Can someone Send me Battlefield 2 demo?

Live forum:


11-06-2005 00:09:01

anyone want to send it to me through aim?

ive got cable so it should go fast

if you send it to me ill send you

Bumfights 3 Felony Files dvd rip


11-06-2005 00:11:45

Why can't you just dl it?


11-06-2005 00:20:44

ive tried downloading it a million times

it either gets stuck or there is some kind of error or something is corrupted cry


11-06-2005 00:30:57

make me a better offeer and ill send it to you overnight


11-06-2005 01:03:10

ill give you karma

cmon man i dont have anything

besides some good mp3s and the bumfights video


11-06-2005 01:36:44

I meant in terms of other videos or some other file I might be able to use. Do you have any xbox images or anything?


11-06-2005 02:09:34

i dont have anything else

besides music and that video

please just help me out since i cant get it through downloads ive tried allll day


11-06-2005 10:07:11

where can u dl it i wanna try this game


11-06-2005 10:25:01



11-06-2005 10:52:15

something screws up every single time i try to download

literally the only thing i did yesterday was try to download the game

please someone send it to me on aim....


11-06-2005 11:59:17

[quoted4e8772aaa="pcmsurf"]something screws up every single time i try to download

literally the only thing i did yesterday was try to download the game

please someone send it to me on aim....[/quoted4e8772aaa]if i can dl it ill DC it to u on aim


11-06-2005 12:02:17

We are unable to complete your download at this time, as we are experiencing an unusually high volume of download requests. Please try again later.


11-06-2005 12:03:29

I have it and ill trade for files.


11-06-2005 12:04:17

im in the process of dling it man just im me and ill hook u up.


11-06-2005 12:35:58

i finally got it with a different download manager

thanks for offered

now that i have it the game doesnt even play

when i click on the icon it goes black for a sec then doesnt do anything and goes back to my desktop


11-06-2005 13:07:42

it dosent support widescreen -(


11-06-2005 13:12:13

ive got a dimension 4700 thats less than a year old so im thinking it should work

i dont have widescreen

what should i dooooo?


11-06-2005 18:43:26

kick your computer? jk no clue it should work whats ur screen resolution set @? and is it the higest it will go?


11-06-2005 18:52:51

Spend $200+ on a new video card. )


12-06-2005 01:15:03

does the same thing to me! ticks me off.


12-06-2005 02:55:38

Did that for me at first. So I deleted my video drivers then reinstalled them via the Nvidia drivers site. That did it for me. And being patient. Usually when you think its frozen, its not.


12-06-2005 07:44:04


Use that, I had to get it off bit torrent only took 4 hours off there. But that's pretty much your only option all the servers are bogged down. Have fun, it's awesome!