A weird bit of good news/ bad news

Live forum: http://forum.freeipodguide.com/viewtopic.php?t=16254


08-06-2005 19:49:43

I got a random email today that I had completed RealRhapsody for FreePSPs today. I checked, and I signed up for it on March 17th. So that's 3 months for credit. Good news? Not really. I only started that site as part of a trade with allroz. I thought I had beaten him, but now he gets a free green from me.


08-06-2005 19:57:36

well by 3 months i typically give up on the site or have no intentions to do it, unless i come back to it in the future


08-06-2005 20:09:27

i know; its weird that they're giving me credit now... i didn't even follow through or care.


08-06-2005 21:31:56

i know what u mean. I got credit for Real-Rhapsody today for Freeipodshuffle, but I did the offer like 3 months ago. And I never got credit for it, so I had completed 2nd offer after rhapsody. Dam they are really slow on crediting.