08-06-2005 17:10:58
So I'm looking for a site that will give me paypal. I will be paying people to give me referrals (if that makes any difference). I don't want to do OC because of this limited offer business. Lastly, I'm hoping to get the site done in a timely fashion. Any suggestions?
08-06-2005 17:13:41
cool4free has been giving out paypal on a4f but thats not a gaurantee
08-06-2005 17:15:19
4nocash sites, they have been paying a day after you get all of your greens, you can't beat that. is 4 refs for $150 is 7 refs for $300
let me know if you're interested in either. I'll pay $20 for wifi and $22.50 for minicool.
08-06-2005 17:29:04
so those 4nocash are totally legit, people been getting payed on a regular basis? I'll do your mini cool for 23 slease, you could pay after i green
08-06-2005 17:30:57
I wouldn't say they are totally legit yet as they are still pretty new but I have heard good things as well
08-06-2005 17:31:47
I think they've actually been running since January. I could be wrong though. PM'd Geej