New Site, FreeiPodFrenzy

Live forum:


07-06-2005 05:31:06

Looks like a new site on the block.

The have over 60 offers, but some of the offers only give you a fraction of the credit, its an interesting setup. Check it out, there was also an interview with the owner on A4F posted last Saturday, June 4.


07-06-2005 07:52:57

There is also a trial c-0-n-g-a circle on A4F as well http//


07-06-2005 08:00:22

[quote8c1c7b8e27="323bullit"]Looks like a new site on the block.

The have over 60 offers, but some of the offers only give you a fraction of the credit, its an interesting setup. Check it out, there was also an interview with the owner on A4F posted last Saturday, June 4.[/quote8c1c7b8e27]
There's a bunch of easy offers that give full credit though, like derm fx and carboburn.