[quoted933da4c4c="mofocrew"]hey guys, I'm going to use the money I get from notebooks4free, mp3players4free, minicool.4nocash, and wifimusic.4nocash as well as some personal savings (if needed) to buy a laptop.
I'm looking for a [bd933da4c4c]ultra light laptop [/bd933da4c4c]that will mainly serve for internet, mail, pictures, movies, presentations, etc.
Things that I want in it
[bd933da4c4c]li Ultra light[/bd933da4c4c]
li base station that I can leave on my desk w/ my monitor keyboard, etc plugged into, or take on the road when I need backup battery, floppy/cd drive (if the laptop doesn't come w/ a cd drive)
li long battery life (if possible or replacemnt battery options)
li integrated wireless (and bluetooth if possible)
I could use your help getting reccomendations on different laptops and with a few questions.
What are the features that you couldn't live without in your laptop?
What things do you absolutly hate in your laptop?
what is the thing you most often wish your laptop did?
what do you use least in your laptop?
I haven't seen many so far that fit my needs; the
IBM X-Series[=http//www.pc.ibm.com/us/thinkpad/3dtours/xseries/x_series.html] IBM X-Series,
Dell Inspiron 700m[=http//www1.us.dell.com/content/products/productdetails.aspx/inspn_700m?c=us&cs=04&l=en&s=bsd] Dell Inspiron 700m, and the
refurbished Dell Latitude X300[=http//www1.us.dell.com/content/products/productdetails.aspx/latit_x300?c=us&cs=28&l=en&s=dfb] refurbished Dell Latitude X300. However I haven't really looked. At the different options.
What do you guys think?
Side note; I'm also going to be getting a new LCD sometime soon, and I want a big one (I currently have a 21" CRT, so I don't want it to change too much). Do you reccomend I do a site and get it from them, or take the cash and buy it somewhere else? Either way which LCDs do you reccomend?
just get a vaio its like uber small i forget the model nmber but its like 2600