Anyone from the Phoenix area?

Live forum:


30-05-2005 17:49:25

Now that I've finished college I'm packing up at the end of July and moving out to Dear Valley, 25 minutes N of Phoenix. Just wondering if anyone is in that area and has any good info for me on whats cool and whats not about Phoenix.

What I know about Phoenix so far
1) It's really hot and dry.
2) Big Cactii
3) No daylight savings time


31-05-2005 10:45:46

4) Citrus trees ;)


31-05-2005 10:47:32

[quote7f49fa8224="slease"]Now that I've finished college I'm packing up at the end of July and moving out to Dear Valley, 25 minutes N of Phoenix. Just wondering if anyone is in that area and has any good info for me on whats [b7f49fa8224]HOT[/b7f49fa8224] and whats not about Phoenix.

What I know about Phoenix so far
1) It's really really really hot and dry.
2) Big Cactii
3) No daylight savings time[/quote7f49fa8224]