Response to why this site is so much better than A4F

Live forum:


30-05-2005 03:02:40

This was taken from a post in the scammers section and I didn't want to threadjack.

c0ngablast (fig have a problem w/ this board? lol)

they're point systems work

the main flaw to this one (or what i see as a flaw...maybe i just don't know how it really works) is that you can give points to other members. thats bullshit. it should be the mod's job to regulate that. i know it won't really help that much cuz people can post that they traded w/ someone else (their scammer friend) and get points, but its a lot easier to scam when you don't have go through a mod[/quote6b154a7b62]

The point system here is great. What other site has regulations like "no c0ngas" and "no posting ref links" that keep this site clean from the clutter that effects other boards?

Anything4Free has a horrible system when it comes to just about everything.
1) 36 total Forums and Subforums... Why?!!?
2) You are allowed to post what TR you are in your signature. The system here is much much more sophisticated.
3) Ref links EVERYWHERE
4) C0ngas C0ngas C0ngas EVERYWHERE
5) A site rating system that misleads users to thinking a site with a high rating will ship them a gift.
6) 3 Trade forums... I can't stand it.

I've never been to C0ngablast so I won't judge it.

Maybe it's just pride but I love the FreeIpodGuide system.


30-05-2005 05:38:18

Anything4free is a pile of shit. Within a few minutes of joining i got a pm from someone who tried to scam me. Luckily I just ignored his Pm
a few days later I hear over 15 complaints on c0ngablast about this guy
(i know its the same guy because he sends the exact same pm to everyone) Anything4free also has an absolutely GAY section where people exchange things besides sites or cash for refs. People try to exchange stupid shit that has no value. Their Cash for refs section is
also ABSOLUTELY STUPID I saw tons fucking douchebags offering 5$ for
sites. Lets not judge the money for ref section by their standards though
People here realize that it takes 15$-30$ to get people interested. Were so much better that those fucktards its not even funny.

C0ngablast on the other hand is a great forum. Their C0ngas actually work if you join early enough. The Admin is a wise guy who won't just put up a c0nga for every free site in the world. He makes sure that the site is legit and there is strong interest before launching a c0nga so that it doesnt die. Also he has 2 seperate kinds of c0ngas. The "At your own risk" c0nga and the "confirmed legit c0ngas" to satisfy people who wanna do the smaller free sites and people who wanna do the big sites like OC and Gratis. Congablast also has a GREAT trading section. Ive NEVER been scammed there. They also have a TR system where people post in a good traders thread to get points. the only problem is the points arent visible in people's avatars.

Anything4free should be a trap word just like gearliv3


30-05-2005 07:40:41

[quoteaa0323c3c1="JUNIOR6886"]Anything4free is a pile of shit. [/quoteaa0323c3c1]

The only reason I don't go there is because of the fact that their web server sucks ass, I tried logging on like 45 times and it never worked or it went too slow...


30-05-2005 07:47:51

The main reason i don't like it is because their whole trading record is BS...there is nothing monitoring their system sot hey go by how many posts you have and everyone over there is out to scam one another.


30-05-2005 08:09:55

all we have to decide is what trap we wanna replace Anything4fre with
its too bad "The Gayest Site Ever" is taken...


30-05-2005 08:18:33

I use both sites, but for different reasons. I like the atmosphere here better, but for the newest sites, I'll check there.


30-05-2005 08:23:31

I joined A4F a while ago and a few mins within my signup i got a couple PM in regards for trades, they were all like since your new you have to go first, so sign up now. My respone was "Fck off n00b, i have more of a record then you'll ever have" lol


30-05-2005 08:40:33

Yeah most of the time it's too crazy over there for me. lihugs the FiPG boardli


30-05-2005 08:51:04

have any of you been to refstop. Whats your opinion of it


30-05-2005 08:51:14

[quotecae560deb4="Godrockdj"]Yeah most of the time it's too crazy over there for me. lihugs the FiPG boardli[/quotecae560deb4]

Hey, your back! How was the wedding? Any pics? lol


30-05-2005 08:53:32

A4F is so much better than FIG, hands down.


30-05-2005 08:54:22

[quoteaaaf14992b="_ur__mom___"]A4F is so much better than FIG, hands down.[/quoteaaaf14992b]

And were going to listen to a newbie named "Your mom" roll


30-05-2005 08:57:39

Actually you're going to listen to the mod at A4F "Your Mom"


30-05-2005 09:02:45

[quote238ad41f04="_ur__mom___"]Actually you're going to listen to the mod at A4F "Your Mom"[/quote238ad41f04]

So you've just stated that your opinion was bias then. You have no authority over here.


30-05-2005 09:03:38

[quoteb4a686f7d1="CoMpFrEaK"]I joined A4F a while ago and a few mins within my signup i got a couple PM in regards for trades, they were all like since your new you have to go first, so sign up now. My respone was "Fck off n00b, i have more of a record then you'll ever have" lol[/quoteb4a686f7d1]

Yeah, that happened me too b/c someone who had just joined like 2 minutes before me was telling me to sign up first for their site and I didn't even ask for a trade. I don't use the site for trades but I think there's nothing wrong with it all. There's nothing wrong with c0ngas if you're the first couple of people on it, so I don't see what's the problem with that. I know that c0ngas created a lot of whining kids, but I'm assuming that all c0ngas do that. At least it's not like GOG where the mod is the first person on everysingle one of the c0ngas.
I like the site, I don't see why there has to be a war b/t sites.

[quoteb4a686f7d1="JUNIOR6886"]have any of you been to refstop. Whats your opinion of it[/quoteb4a686f7d1]

Don't join refstop unless you want to get scammed


30-05-2005 09:05:07

ive gotten 3 greens from there. But its taken almost 3 weeks for each
lol also it sucks that you gotta pay for membership


30-05-2005 09:06:53

[quotef77e5264bc="CoMpFrEaK"][quotef77e5264bc="_ur__mom___"]Actually you're going to listen to the mod at A4F "Your Mom"[/quotef77e5264bc]

So you've just stated that your opinion was bias then. You have no authority over here.[/quotef77e5264bc]

Listen, I have nothing wrong with your site. I like it a lot. All I'm saying is that I favor A4F over FIG.


30-05-2005 09:09:56

[quote94b5aafcc1="JUNIOR6886"]ive gotten 3 greens from there. But its taken almost 3 weeks for each
lol also it sucks that you gotta pay for membership[/quote94b5aafcc1]
yeah, out of like 6 trades, I've gotten maybe 2 or 3 greens and only 1 was quick. And if the mods do anything about it before they scam more people, they only close their account. The site is only like $5 or something thats like paying just that much for about 3 or 4 greens before people realize you're a scammer.


30-05-2005 09:10:08

[quotef30f7a4268="_ur__mom___"][quotef30f7a4268="CoMpFrEaK"][quotef30f7a4268="_ur__mom___"]Actually you're going to listen to the mod at A4F "Your Mom"[/quotef30f7a4268]

So you've just stated that your opinion was bias then. You have no authority over here.[/quotef30f7a4268]

Listen, I have nothing wrong with your site. I like it a lot. All I'm saying is that I favor A4F over FIG.[/quotef30f7a4268]

Fair enough, but that would bring us back to my first comment wink


30-05-2005 09:13:41

[quote704604e9d1="CoMpFrEaK"][quote704604e9d1="_ur__mom___"][quote704604e9d1="CoMpFrEaK"][quote704604e9d1="_ur__mom___"]Actually you're going to listen to the mod at A4F "Your Mom"[/quote704604e9d1]

So you've just stated that your opinion was bias then. You have no authority over here.[/quote704604e9d1]

Listen, I have nothing wrong with your site. I like it a lot. All I'm saying is that I favor A4F over FIG.[/quote704604e9d1]

Fair enough, but that would bring us back to my first comment wink[/quote704604e9d1]

Lol lol


30-05-2005 09:14:30

_ur__mom___ is making A4F look bad.
Mods from fig, never came over there saying "FIG is better blah blah", if they have please show me a thread. Wood even came to tell you guys how much of a scammer CC40 was and Sweedfish also warned about a scammer over there.


30-05-2005 09:15:38

[quote4c2f9e00ba="Retro"]_ur__mom___ is making A4F look bad.
Mods from fig, never came over there saying "FIG is better blah blah", if they have please show me a thread. Wood even came to tell you guys how much of a scammer CC40 was and Sweedfish also warned about a scammer over there.[/quote4c2f9e00ba]

You think I signed up just because of this thread? I signed up around a week ago. I just gave my imput.

And thanks for the bad karma people. I appreaciate it )


30-05-2005 09:16:37

And also, slease is making FIG look bad. You don't see us post how bad FIG is...


30-05-2005 09:17:49

[quotef90349cb17="_ur__mom___"][quotef90349cb17="Retro"]_ur__mom___ is making A4F look bad.
Mods from fig, never came over there saying "FIG is better blah blah", if they have please show me a thread. Wood even came to tell you guys how much of a scammer CC40 was and Sweedfish also warned about a scammer over there.[/quotef90349cb17]

You think I signed up just because of this thread? I signed up around a week ago. I just gave my imput.

And thanks for the bad karma people. I appreaciate it )[/quotef90349cb17]

the karma wasnt me. No joke either. Did you happen to notice 100% of your posts is in this topic?


30-05-2005 09:18:52

omfg a mod from the LAMEST site evar!!!
is it time to get scared yet? P


30-05-2005 09:19:23

[quote6fa9b317e4="CoMpFrEaK"][quote6fa9b317e4="Godrockdj"]Yeah most of the time it's too crazy over there for me. lihugs the FiPG boardli[/quote6fa9b317e4]

Hey, your back! How was the wedding? Any pics? lol[/quote6fa9b317e4]

See my new thread! wink


30-05-2005 09:19:29

Slease is posting in FIG which he has the right to. He didn't bring it to A4F to create drama.


30-05-2005 09:46:20

A4F Trades suck, why?

Because they have

Trade referal for referal
Trade referal for Money
Trade referal for Other

Thats the only thing I don't like about A4F


30-05-2005 10:00:41

roll thats not why the suck at all
they suck because people in the ref for ref section try to scam
people in the money for ref section offer 5$ for freeipods greens
and the non money/trade items for ref section sucks because people offer stupid shit for refferals. Anything4free is utter garbage and is no way to test the effectiveness of ANYTHING


30-05-2005 10:41:17

I have a huge problem with the quote in the original post.

Do you really think I'm stupid enough to let members just credit each other?

It may seem instant, but all trades are reviewed and credited by a mod.

Previously, if it was a "bad" trade, eg. between two users of less than 2TR, we'd just delete it. I recently added functionality to "deny" credit which prevents them from requesting again.

So if you're going to diss my site, at least get your facts straight.


30-05-2005 10:49:22

btw this is the PM i got withing minutes of joining anything4free Im just wondering how many people recieved it as well

Hello. I recently moved and now have all sites available to trade with. I am currently involved in 6 trades, 4 of which have members that have a +8 trading record and two completed ones that haven't yet shown up. This trading record is on freeipodguide.comI need or, and would be able to do your site in exchange for you to do mine. Once you go green on here (please try to choose from one of the following offers on sonos
• Gamefly
• Napster
• ING Direct
• AOL Music

Or one of the following on freephotos
• Appera Teeth Whitening
• Consumer Info
• Video Professor
• Trimlife Trio
) i will green for you.If you can do both, I will not only trade your referral, but pay you 25 dollars for your other referral, as I only need one more on both of them. Let me know if you are interested in doing this, my link is

http// post it here

http// post it here


P.S. When/if you do decide to do it, hit me back with your email addy and offer that you did. Thanks.

after all the people on c0ngablast started complaining about being scammed He said his grandfather died and he has better things to do than
to finish his endof deals. He also tried to give links to Nate08s profile here to prove he was legit...
http// this is the post i made trying to warn nate08


30-05-2005 10:56:05

The trader rating system here rocks! Much easier, faster, and doesn't take up alot of pages like the one at A4F. No offense, just posting my opinions. Not saying that A4F sucks, every forums has their own downsides. A4F just needs alot of improvement to do with their forums and main website. )

By the way, when I joined freeiPodGuide I got two PM's asking for trades. Every forum I've joined I've received spam messages within minutes.

[bca58d1d13e]Edit[/bca58d1d13e] Actually make that four PM's when I joined freeiPodGuide. 8)


30-05-2005 10:59:27

I create 'fake' new accounts on here to help catch those on-join-pm spammers, but I appreciate any help you guys can give me with this. Just PM me or another mod with the full message and they'll be taken care of.


30-05-2005 11:04:58

I've done a number of trades at refstop, very solid site for trading. Their pay4trades system is pretty weak though.


30-05-2005 11:12:10

the pay for trades on refstop are expensive as hell
after charging 6$ for membership he should at least make that free
17 bucks to have your link posted for a week is retarded


30-05-2005 11:33:31

I find it interesting that the site owner for A4free is actually thoruoghly browsing our site. Not like this is the trading section its off topic. What are you reading this section for. Bet hes gonna steal some of the ideas that this forum has created. He loves this forum.


30-05-2005 11:45:18

[quotea4ce417b97="good2speed"]I find it interesting that the site owner for A4free is actually thoruoghly browsing our site. Not like this is the trading section its off topic. What are you reading this section for. Bet hes gonna steal some of the ideas that this forum has created. He loves this forum.[/quotea4ce417b97]
It's his choice, he can browse this website if he wants. He isn't the one that bad-mouthed freeiPodGuide, remember, it was another user that did this. Lets not flame/insult him just because of another person.


30-05-2005 11:50:40

[quote7c1e610a03="_ur__mom___"]A4F is so much better than FIG, hands down.[/quote7c1e610a03]

Maybe you didnt read close enough. All Im saying is if that site is so great why would he even be here. Like people who say America sucks this and that but wont leave the country under any cicumstances.


30-05-2005 11:57:04

[quote6767544315="good2speed"][quote6767544315="_ur__mom___"]A4F is so much better than FIG, hands down.[/quote6767544315]

Maybe you didnt read close enough. All Im saying is if that site is so great why would he even be here. Like people who say America sucks this and that but wont leave the country under any cicumstances.[/quote6767544315]
I read close enough, and by the way, this isn't the owner of A4F.. ur_mom__ is a moderator at A4F.


30-05-2005 12:20:25

why can i already predict a multi forum flame war going. Lets not the the negativity and lameness of Anything4free affect us. Freeipodguide is
in a leauge of its own when it comes to quality and effectiveness in allowing members of free sites to help each other get their free stuff.
We dont need to sink to thier level. They can play their little faggy flame
games all they want but it won't change the fact that were above them.


30-05-2005 12:23:29

[quoteae4413682b="JUNIOR6886"]why can i already predict a multi forum flame war going. Lets not the the negativity and lameness of Anything4free affect us. Freeipodguide is
in a leauge of its own when it comes to quality and effectiveness in allowing members of free sites to help each other get their free stuff.
We dont need to sink to thier level. They can play their little faggy flame
games all they want but it won't change the fact that were above them.
btw im suggesting "piece of shit" as a trap name for anything4free ;)[/quoteae4413682b]

Actually was agreeing with you till you killed it with the last sentence. That my frined was a contradiction.


30-05-2005 13:04:14

Because of a4f I've received the following

-A complete Dell 4700 system. I know there's Dell haters but it beats the shit out of CP. PCI-X and up to 4 gigs of DDR2, not to mention the resale value is anywhere from $500-700.
-Joined an OC PSP C@nga and received 4 greens over night and came to be one of the first to receive the product.
-Received paypal from get4friends which I used for other sites in the Money for Referral section of A4F. Get4friends took forever to send the paypal btw.
-Finally was able to finish which A4F helped me accomplish and got me into this whole trading business. They're the reason I've had so many trades and so much luck.
-And completed skate4free and freegamingsystems which I have yet to receive my product but none the less I still completed the sites because of A4F.

Don't get me wrong, we all have good and bad trades but for the most part its been positive over there. As for the "scamming" I think clear channel or whatever is a perfect example of that. He had what, 60 something positive feedback here? And ended up scamming people. Just goes to show that we all take the risk of trading. I don't post my referral links anymore since its been known that someone can easily spam your account and have you put on hold.

Hell one of the reasons I even know about this site is because of the people at A4F. FIG makes it a lot harder to get any feedback. Hell, I even got cut short of a couple of TR credit here because of people not quoting my profile... which is a good thing but I disagree with a few rules. Both sites have rules that I don't agree with but I'm not an Admin at either so that's irrelevant. I like both, but obviously lean more toward A4F because of the success they've helped me with. They're both awesome sites, just personal preference.


30-05-2005 13:10:45

[quote20780cbf37="weez"]Because of a4f I've received the following

-A complete Dell 4700 system. I know there's Dell haters but it beats the shit out of CP. PCI-X and up to 4 gigs of DDR2, not to mention the resale value is anywhere from $500-700.
-Joined an OC PSP C@nga and received 4 greens over night and came to be one of the first to receive the product.
-Received paypal from get4friends which I used for other sites in the Money for Referral section of A4F. Get4friends took forever to send the paypal btw.
-Finally was able to finish which A4F helped me accomplish and got me into this whole trading business. They're the reason I've had so many trades and so much luck.
-And completed skate4free and freegamingsystems which I have yet to receive my product but none the less I still completed the sites because of A4F.

Don't get me wrong, we all have good and bad trades but for the most part its been positive over there. As for the "scamming" I think clear channel or whatever is a perfect example of that. He had what, 60 something positive feedback here? And ended up scamming people. Just goes to show that we all take the risk of trading. I don't post my referral links anymore since its been known that someone can easily spam your account and have you put on hold.

Hell one of the reasons I even know about this site is because of the people at A4F. FIG makes it a lot harder to get any feedback. Hell, I even got cut short of a couple of TR credit here because of people not quoting my profile... which is a good thing but I disagree with a few rules. Both sites have rules that I don't agree with but I'm not an Admin at either so that's irrelevant. I like both, but obviously lean more toward A4F because of the success they've helped me with. They're both awesome sites, just personal preference.[/quote20780cbf37]

That was the most irrelevant post ever. You think were gonna read thru that crap. An I like A4free wouldve have done good. Not an essay.


30-05-2005 13:12:15

_ur__mom... the last thing I wanted to do was start a flame war with this post. I was just responding to another post on this board and showing a little FIG patriotism. I'm a member of both forums and I'll admit that I do go to A4F after I've read every both on FIG and I do learn some things there. Take my post as a criticism not a flame, they are things I think can be improved on your board. And I tried to counteract the negative karma you got with some positive karma. No hard feelings.


30-05-2005 13:13:06

[quoted10c982b65="good2speed"][quoted10c982b65="weez"]Because of a4f I've received the following

-A complete Dell 4700 system. I know there's Dell haters but it beats the shit out of CP. PCI-X and up to 4 gigs of DDR2, not to mention the resale value is anywhere from $500-700.
-Joined an OC PSP C@nga and received 4 greens over night and came to be one of the first to receive the product.
-Received paypal from get4friends which I used for other sites in the Money for Referral section of A4F. Get4friends took forever to send the paypal btw.
-Finally was able to finish which A4F helped me accomplish and got me into this whole trading business. They're the reason I've had so many trades and so much luck.
-And completed skate4free and freegamingsystems which I have yet to receive my product but none the less I still completed the sites because of A4F.

Don't get me wrong, we all have good and bad trades but for the most part its been positive over there. As for the "scamming" I think clear channel or whatever is a perfect example of that. He had what, 60 something positive feedback here? And ended up scamming people. Just goes to show that we all take the risk of trading. I don't post my referral links anymore since its been known that someone can easily spam your account and have you put on hold.

Hell one of the reasons I even know about this site is because of the people at A4F. FIG makes it a lot harder to get any feedback. Hell, I even got cut short of a couple of TR credit here because of people not quoting my profile... which is a good thing but I disagree with a few rules. Both sites have rules that I don't agree with but I'm not an Admin at either so that's irrelevant. I like both, but obviously lean more toward A4F because of the success they've helped me with. They're both awesome sites, just personal preference.[/quoted10c982b65]

That was the most irrelevant post ever. You think were gonna read thru that crap. An I like A4free wouldve have done good. Not an essay.[/quoted10c982b65]

I read it. Good post Weez.


30-05-2005 13:14:57

My favorite site is abviously FIPG however A4F is a good site as well I don't see any reason to start a flame war I don't do trades on A4F but I am part of a c0nga and they have a lot of info that you don't find here. Also ur mom is a great mod on A4F and there is no reason to be disrespectful.
Junior we all got your opinion on the matter and that you think A4F should be a trap word no need to say it over and over and over again


30-05-2005 13:15:00

Oh yeah, it was nice of Wood to give his input on that clear channel scammer at A4F.


30-05-2005 13:21:06

[quotedb0f44a6b5="good2speed"]That was the most irrelevant post ever. You think were gonna read thru that crap. An I like A4free wouldve have done good. Not an essay.[/quotedb0f44a6b5]

Speak for yourself, and its we're btw. What's the point of just saying, "I like A4F." Without a reason?

And if you can't read a couple paragraphs, I don't know what to tell you...


30-05-2005 13:24:26

[quote34819140e3="XBOX360"]The trader rating system here rocks! Much easier, faster, and doesn't take up alot of pages like the one at A4F. No offense, just posting my opinions. Not saying that A4F sucks, every forums has their own downsides. A4F just needs alot of improvement to do with their forums and main website. )

By the way, when I joined freeiPodGuide I got two PM's asking for trades. Every forum I've joined I've received spam messages within minutes.

[b34819140e3]Edit[/b34819140e3] Actually make that four PM's when I joined freeiPodGuide. 8)[/quote34819140e3]

Hey man whats your name over at A4F


30-05-2005 13:31:20

[quote08f8dc10e6="weez"][quote08f8dc10e6="good2speed"]That was the most irrelevant post ever. You think were gonna read thru that crap. An I like A4free wouldve have done good. Not an essay.[/quote08f8dc10e6]

Speak for yourself, and its we're btw. What's the point of just saying, "I like A4F." Without a reason?

And if you can't read a couple paragraphs, I don't know what to tell you...[/quote08f8dc10e6]

i wouldve read it if it was interesting. two lines in and I was sleeping already. Go write a blog about it or something. Seee how many views it gets.

PS if you gave me - Karma thx Im going for the record.


30-05-2005 13:54:16

[quote6d30538c50="good2speed"][quote6d30538c50="JUNIOR6886"]why can i already predict a multi forum flame war going. Lets not the the negativity and lameness of Anything4free affect us. Freeipodguide is
in a leauge of its own when it comes to quality and effectiveness in allowing members of free sites to help each other get their free stuff.
We dont need to sink to thier level. They can play their little faggy flame
games all they want but it won't change the fact that were above them.
btw im suggesting "piece of shit" as a trap name for anything4free ;)[/quote6d30538c50]

Actually was agreeing with you till you killed it with the last sentence. That my frined was a contradiction.[/quote6d30538c50]


30-05-2005 13:57:47

[quote31572ee54d="JUNIOR6886"][quote31572ee54d="good2speed"][quote31572ee54d="JUNIOR6886"]why can i already predict a multi forum flame war going. Lets not the the negativity and lameness of Anything4free affect us. Freeipodguide is
in a leauge of its own when it comes to quality and effectiveness in allowing members of free sites to help each other get their free stuff.
We dont need to sink to thier level. They can play their little faggy flame
games all they want but it won't change the fact that were above them.
btw im suggesting "piece of shit" as a trap name for anything4free ;)[/quote31572ee54d]

Actually was agreeing with you till you killed it with the last sentence. That my frined was a contradiction.[/quote31572ee54d]

we have a trap word for gear1ive why not have one for anything4free...[/quote31572ee54d]

Just let it go.. If they want to put a trap word in they will.


30-05-2005 16:07:12

i just got intown and im not gonna read this whole thread but alot of these other sites have imitated our trade setup and rules. i was one of the people that setup the rules with Vulcan at the time and many of the rules are being copied else where. FIPG is the shit )


30-05-2005 16:16:17

[quote50e7b35aa6="Stroid"]Slease is the shit )[/quote50e7b35aa6]

tru dat


30-05-2005 17:19:26

[quote5844ff67c2="slease"][quote5844ff67c2="Stroid"]Slease is the shit )[/quote5844ff67c2]

tru dat[/quote5844ff67c2]

wha? Am i missing something here?


30-05-2005 17:21:30

wtf, I didn't do that, lol.


30-05-2005 17:22:33

[quote6eb7ab8d5d="slease"]wtf, I didn't do that, lol.[/quote6eb7ab8d5d]

lol lol lol