Political Party Poll

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21-05-2005 18:28:17

Answer the poll, I'm just curious...


21-05-2005 18:32:29

I consider myself a Democrat, but have less faith in the party these days. x I would vote green party if they had better canidates.

BTW, great poll Nate !


21-05-2005 18:34:25

[quote9ee0998fb7="Peinecone"]I consider myself a Democrat, but have less faith in the party these days. x I would vote green party if they had better canidates.

BTW, great poll Nate ![/quote9ee0998fb7]



21-05-2005 18:40:53

Im an independent.


21-05-2005 18:42:04

[quote617f468acd="Collateral"]Im an independent.[/quote617f468acd]

I was wondering who that was...


21-05-2005 18:43:08

Does it count if you aren't old enough to register?


21-05-2005 18:56:10

I want a party that isnt really a party - you cant always stick in your party because anyone who votes on a person with out hearing the issues is just plain stupid (which is what a ton of people do when they go im a "insert party here" and "insert your partys candiate here" is right and should be leader ) =P just my .02 lithrows two pennys on the table and leavesli


21-05-2005 19:49:48

so this means that demacrats a cheaper and want free stuf???? lol jk


21-05-2005 20:01:18

[quotebe05e88624="dudeextrem2000"]so this means that demacrats a cheaper and want free stuf???? lol jk[/quotebe05e88624]
Well statistically, democrats are poorer then republicans. 8)


21-05-2005 20:04:23

[quoteec1b4b260e="thecrazykevy"][quoteec1b4b260e="dudeextrem2000"]so this means that demacrats a cheaper and want free stuf???? lol jk[/quoteec1b4b260e]
Well statistically, democrats are poorer then republicans. 8)[/quoteec1b4b260e]

good point it was just a joke though


21-05-2005 20:21:16

More democrats smoke than republicans as well.


21-05-2005 21:12:16



21-05-2005 21:28:13

But democrats are statisticly smarter and better educated.


21-05-2005 21:33:39

[quote0189b18a35="slease"]But democrats are statisticly smarter and better educated.[/quote0189b18a35]
Yes, because most of Academia is liberal.


21-05-2005 22:50:03

More democrats have aids. Don't take that wrong, i'm serious.


21-05-2005 23:19:58

[quoteee93c75440="drummer_kew_03"]More democrats have aids. Don't take that wrong, i'm serious.[/quoteee93c75440]
Cause democrats get laid more?


21-05-2005 23:24:29

Yeah, i'm sure that's it.


21-05-2005 23:57:27

Democrat Party is a contradiction it itself. The roots of the Democrat Party are pro-slavery. Most fire-eaters (hardcore southern slave owners) were big names in the Democrat Party. Now, they dems stand for affirmative action (don't get me started) and have crooks like Al Sharpton speaking on their behalf.

Democrats have the Kennedys....the Kennedys!


22-05-2005 00:13:41

[quote898485551a="clearestchannel40"]Democrat Party is a contradiction it itself. The roots of the Democrat Party are pro-slavery. Most fire-eaters (hardcore southern slave owners) were big names in the Democrat Party. Now, they dems stand for affirmative action (don't get me started) and have crooks like Al Sharpton speaking on their behalf.

Democrats have the Kennedys....the Kennedys![/quote898485551a]

And the republican party hasn't changed since Lincoln?

Kennedys huh... And now my top 5 favorite republicans of last century.

1) Strom Thurmond
2) Joseph McCarthy
3) Richard Nixon
4) Herbert Hoover
5) Dick Cheney

But seriously, its all just splitting hairs. Al Sharpton is a fanatic, just like the current president. Why do you call him a crook? He doesn't make sense at times but thats just because he's a little insane.

Eh, both parties have faults. For me I am morally liberal, I can't stomach the republican party because of their stance on moral issues. But Democrats are far from gods in my eyes.


22-05-2005 00:15:28

Oh yea, I agree with you on affirmative action CC40, race should have nothing to do with who gets what scholarship, wealth should.


22-05-2005 05:06:45

[quote68141efe82="slease"]Oh yea, I agree with you on affirmative action CC40, race should have nothing to do with who gets what scholarship, wealth should.[/quote68141efe82]

HAHA, wait... fuck you. Im not very wealthy. Although this thread is pretty timid now it can see it going bad fast.


22-05-2005 07:55:01

[quotea246556554="nate08"][quotea246556554="Collateral"]Im an independent.[/quotea246556554]

I was wondering who that was...[/quotea246556554]http//www.freeipodguide.com/phpBB2/smilies_mod/upload/41d9768fc95eaba98dad1cd688999ef8.gif[" alt=""/imga246556554]


22-05-2005 11:37:00

[quote5cee6de172="darkdnb"][quote5cee6de172="slease"]Oh yea, I agree with you on affirmative action CC40, race should have nothing to do with who gets what scholarship, wealth should.[/quote5cee6de172]

HAHA, wait... fuck you. Im not very wealthy. Although this thread is pretty timid now it can see it going bad fast.[/quote5cee6de172]

Thats not what I was saying. People who have no money should get scholarships to school.


22-05-2005 13:30:40

[quotea1507e65e7="thecrazykevy"][quotea1507e65e7="dudeextrem2000"]so this means that demacrats a cheaper and want free stuf???? lol jk[/quotea1507e65e7]
Well statistically, democrats are poorer then republicans. 8)[/quotea1507e65e7]

yeah...too bad they don't encompass much of the middle 50 percent. They tend to get both extremes.


22-05-2005 13:32:50

[quote2fd9ec12ec="slease"][quote2fd9ec12ec="clearestchannel40"]Democrat Party is a contradiction it itself. The roots of the Democrat Party are pro-slavery. Most fire-eaters (hardcore southern slave owners) were big names in the Democrat Party. Now, they dems stand for affirmative action (don't get me started) and have crooks like Al Sharpton speaking on their behalf.

Democrats have the Kennedys....the Kennedys![/quote2fd9ec12ec]

And the republican party hasn't changed since Lincoln?

Kennedys huh... And now my top 5 favorite republicans of last century.

1) Strom Thurmond
2) Joseph McCarthy
3) Richard Nixon
4) Herbert Hoover
5) Dick Cheney

But seriously, its all just splitting hairs. Al Sharpton is a fanatic, just like the current president. Why do you call him a crook? He doesn't make sense at times but thats just because he's a little insane.

Eh, both parties have faults. For me I am morally liberal, I can't stomach the republican party because of their stance on moral issues. But Democrats are far from gods in my eyes.[/quote2fd9ec12ec]

Uhh...putting Al Sharpton in the same category as President Bush is absolutely laughable.

As for wondering why someone might refer to Sharpton as a "crook," do a little research on how he became well-known and get back to me. Hint start by googling Sharpton and Tawana Brawley.


22-05-2005 13:37:02

Interesting, hadn't heard that story. I see the crook reference now.

But now do me a favor and Google "Bush Coke College" and see another reason to put Bush and Sharpton in the same category -P


22-05-2005 14:46:33

I don't remember exactly why Al Sharpton got his name. I know it had something to do with rape by a white man, and she lied, and he got her by or the guy still got busted. I am not too sure. Al Sharpton steals more from the black community than he puts in. Slease, go ahead and use a guy's college days to determine how well he is running the country.

Dick Cheney '08


22-05-2005 14:49:29

[quotec56c17828e="clearestchannel40"]I don't remember exactly why Al Sharpton got his name. I know it had something to do with rape by a white man, and she lied, and he got her by or the guy still got busted. I am not too sure. Al Sharpton steals more from the black community than he puts in. Slease, go ahead and use a guy's college days to determine how well he is running the country.

Dick Cheney '08[/quotec56c17828e]

I wasn't using a guys college days to determine how he is running the country, just find it funny.


22-05-2005 14:50:12

[quotebab4a05fcd="clearestchannel40"]I don't remember exactly why Al Sharpton got his name. I know it had something to do with rape by a white man, and she lied, and he got her by or the guy still got busted. I am not too sure. Al Sharpton steals more from the black community than he puts in. Slease, go ahead and use a guy's college days to determine how well he is running the country.

[bbab4a05fcd]Dick Cheney '08[/bbab4a05fcd][/quotebab4a05fcd]

I really don't see it happening with his health.

Perhaps DeLay?


22-05-2005 14:55:30

God forbid Hilary Clinton gets it .. Bill did bad enough to this country.


22-05-2005 14:58:48

If Cheney even runs in 08, i'm moving to Cananda.


22-05-2005 15:26:26

[quote8f5a8d7ed1="nate08"][quote8f5a8d7ed1="clearestchannel40"]I don't remember exactly why Al Sharpton got his name. I know it had something to do with rape by a white man, and she lied, and he got her by or the guy still got busted. I am not too sure. Al Sharpton steals more from the black community than he puts in. Slease, go ahead and use a guy's college days to determine how well he is running the country.

[b8f5a8d7ed1]Dick Cheney '08[/b8f5a8d7ed1][/quote8f5a8d7ed1]

I really don't see it happening with his health.

Perhaps DeLay?[/quote8f5a8d7ed1]

Nate, is the DeLay reference a joke? Not intending to be a smartass--just weren't sure if you were joking because of the recent ethics concerns (the most manufactured controversy I've ever seen, by the way).

I think George Allen will be the Republican nominee in '08. I think he'll prove to be a nice compromise between the McCain-Giuliani-Pataki wing of the party and Frist (who's very likely to run).

It's a long way off, though--a lot could change.

EDIT I also want to say that the main problem with the Al Sharpton's of the world (I have many) is that they have a vested interest in preserving the status quo and keeping black America from making real progress. You'd think after 40 years of failed liberal social policies supposedly intended to help advance the black community, black America would start to look elsewhere for solutions. Just my two cents, as always.


23-05-2005 10:29:01

[quote9966abc8bd="slease"][quote9966abc8bd="darkdnb"][quote9966abc8bd="slease"]Oh yea, I agree with you on affirmative action CC40, race should have nothing to do with who gets what scholarship, wealth should.[/quote9966abc8bd]

HAHA, wait... fuck you. Im not very wealthy. Although this thread is pretty timid now it can see it going bad fast.[/quote9966abc8bd]

Thats not what I was saying. People who have no money should get scholarships to school.[/quote9966abc8bd]
and of course,after seeing mtv cribs, you believe that all minorities have money roll ....only people who dont know the facts keep saying that affirmative action is about favoritism,it simply says that you cant discriminate,quotas were not made by the government,only by corporations that didnt really want to hire minorities and women,so they came up with a hiring number that would make them seem not racist,that way,if someone accused them of racism,they could say look,we have x number of nonwhites,that means were not discriminating...


23-05-2005 10:56:33

[quote0e331f1db2="kwesi1"][quote0e331f1db2="slease"][quote0e331f1db2="darkdnb"][quote0e331f1db2="slease"]Oh yea, I agree with you on affirmative action CC40, race should have nothing to do with who gets what scholarship, wealth should.[/quote0e331f1db2]

HAHA, wait... fuck you. Im not very wealthy. Although this thread is pretty timid now it can see it going bad fast.[/quote0e331f1db2]

Thats not what I was saying. People who have no money should get scholarships to school.[/quote0e331f1db2]
and of course,after seeing mtv cribs, you believe that all minorities have money roll ....only people who dont know the facts keep saying that affirmative action is about favoritism,it simply says that you cant discriminate,quotas were not made by the government,only by corporations that didnt really want to hire minorities and women,so they came up with a hiring number that would make them seem not racist,that way,if someone accused them of racism,they could say look,we have x number of nonwhites,that means were not discriminating...[/quote0e331f1db2]

woh woh woh... do you really think there is anyone in the world that things all minorities have money? what a stupid thing to say... and who the hell watches MTV cribs? I'm not going to touch the affirmative action thing because its just going to get drawn out and lead to a political debate I don't want to get into. Let's just say I disagree.


23-05-2005 11:06:49

[quote6f4b796911="clearestchannel40"]Dick Cheney '08[/quote6f4b796911]

Bush 2008!



23-05-2005 11:12:56

[quotea59a1d9de8="wood"][quotea59a1d9de8="clearestchannel40"]Dick Cheney '08[/quotea59a1d9de8]

Bush 2008!

AMENDMENT TIME BABY![/quotea59a1d9de8]Oh Dear God. I feel sick.


23-05-2005 13:24:38

Oh yea, In regards to Tawana Brawley...

Here's a quick synopsis of her "Claim To Fame"



23-05-2005 13:38:47

http//www.amendforarnold.com/images/afa_indx_mainpic.jpg[" alt=""/imgb4dad5ae7a]


Do it...even if just to see him blow up the white house....do eet nowwwwwwggghhhh.


23-05-2005 14:09:43

[quote6795835b3f="Tholek"]http//www.amendforarnold.com/images/afa_indx_mainpic.jpg[" alt=""/img6795835b3f]


Do it...even if just to see him blow up the white house....do eet nowwwwwwggghhhh.[/quote6795835b3f]
