19-05-2005 16:46:08
19-05-2005 17:03:31
doesn't look bad at all )
19-05-2005 17:18:47
Thanks Archon. Like the writing? That's what I did ,while the person who manages SmallApple and Scrumptious Daily News did the layout. Anyone else have an opinion?
19-05-2005 20:16:45
Any idea when podtopia is gonna be released?
19-05-2005 20:17:14
i'm sorry... kinda meh
bland info, especially considering how little we know about these systems... it's difficult to tell, especially with the revolution
19-05-2005 20:26:27
Not bad at all. I found out some things i never even knew. Thanks.
19-05-2005 20:32:17
It was alright...I have to say I think the Nintendo design looks the best.
19-05-2005 22:12:40
lol, apparently all that that box that nintendo is showing off is is a box with nothing inside it yet. engadget tested it out and it doesn't seem to have anything inside it but what it takes to make the disc slot light up.
20-05-2005 03:26:00
Yep, I noticed the emptiness of the revolution. PodTopia keeps getting delayed due to review problems and some other issues but will be up soon, I promise . I kept the technical lingo bland so that people that weren't into "that scene" could understand.