17-05-2005 20:25:59
these people are freaking bastards.
I can't wait until they get their live support, they're gonna hear it from me.. they won't let me create any support tickets, oh man.. i HATE that company. HATE IT HATE IT HATE IT!
here's what they did
1) Closed my support ticket, and denied me manual offer credit, and didn't give me ANY reason.
2) Won't let me create another support ticket
3) Made me wait for one stinking month, and I completed the offer legitimately (it was MyDailyDose)...
oh well. I'm through with them once I get credit for this offer.
as stated in another topic, popojijo (sp), you can just request for approval, and don't bother waiting for my credit.. whatever it takes me, i'm getting it.
17-05-2005 20:30:05
Oh man i thought this post was gonna be a joke like clearestchannel40 likes to write cause those are pretty funny.
ANYWAYS, i was just about to sign up for a cool4free site. I guess their not so LEGIT, eh? What is manual offer credit? You can credit yourself?
17-05-2005 20:32:08
[quotee47452e3be="Matt8789"]Oh man i thought this post was gonna be a joke like clearestchannel40 likes to write cause those are pretty funny.
ANYWAYS, i was just about to sign up for a cool4free site. I guess their not so LEGIT, eh? What is manual offer credit? You can credit yourself?[/quotee47452e3be]
no. manual credit is when they go in and credit it themselves.. usually they use CSV parsers (i'm not going to explain this in detail) which is basically some text that they put into a form box, press 'Submit' and it'll credit most of their users... those that don't get credited, will submit for manual approval.. which is what I did.
those retards are just gonna keep the money they made off me... i sent them the confirmation e-mail and everything WITH date header.. how can they deny I didn't do it right? lirolls eyesli roll
17-05-2005 21:25:03
Same thing for me - I was not able to create a new ticket (for like 3 hours) but everything works great now
18-05-2005 02:06:39
Little hint...Don't bother even getting that last credit. You'll just end up like me and another guy. "Shipped" status for 3 months on the 6GB Ipod, but not shipped. x And it was the first site I ever tried too. What a bad start.