how long for credit?

Live forum:


17-05-2005 13:43:38

I have a few sites that I am waiting on for credit. How long for the following to credit?

Zooba -Pending since 5/8
Easy Cream

Thanks for any help.


17-05-2005 13:45:04

Zooba and Easy Cream are instant. What site did you do on? OC?

You should probably do another offer on the site you did Petchews on.


17-05-2005 13:50:59

I did zooba on psps4free and i did easy cream on notebooks4free. The petchews is on freetechgallery. I did easy cream and petchews on 5/15 so they could still credit soon but the zooba i have been waiting since 5/8 so i sent an email about getting credit and waiting for a response.


17-05-2005 14:10:01

petchews never credfits hHAHAHAJAH