does anyone?

Live forum:


16-05-2005 12:41:56

does anyone else find these "free" sites to be addicting, is it a drug lol


16-05-2005 12:46:38

they are, i said I was going to stop after a certain site. but I just couldn't.


16-05-2005 12:49:08

Sorry to be a grammer whore, but its Addictive, addicting is not a word!

But yes, these are like web crack.


16-05-2005 12:49:28

Same here )
"Just one more"... and they keep on coming with new sites..Not that I'm complaining, but it is addictive sometimes ;)


16-05-2005 12:50:49

[quotea1009848e3="slease"]Sorry to be a grammer whore, but its Addictive, addicting is not a word!

But yes, these are like web crack.[/quotea1009848e3]


Looks like a word to me )


16-05-2005 12:52:16

no, you typed in addicting and it referred you to addict

addicting is not a word


16-05-2005 12:52:20

[quote0164ad7478="slease"]Sorry to be a grammer whore, but its Addictive, addicting is not a word![/quote0164ad7478]



[quote0164ad7478=""]ad·dict ( P ) Pronunciation Key (-dkt)
tr.v. ad·dict·ed, [b0164ad7478]ad·dict·ing[/b0164ad7478], ad·dicts [/quote0164ad7478]


16-05-2005 12:55:20

[quote335939050a="FreeOffersNow"][quote335939050a="slease"]Sorry to be a grammer whore, but its Addictive, addicting is not a word![/quote335939050a]



[quote335939050a=""]ad·dict ( P ) Pronunciation Key (-dkt)
tr.v. ad·dict·ed, [b335939050a]ad·dict·ing[/b335939050a], ad·dicts [/quote335939050a][/quote335939050a]

thx FON if we wanted to be picky about grammer, i've found several mistakes, but im not wastin posts on them


16-05-2005 12:59:37

It's also spelled GrammAr.

and yes, they are ADDICTING and ADDICTIVE. Whichever your poison is, take your pick.


16-05-2005 13:00:44

lol i was wondering how long it would take 4 some1 to see that.....


16-05-2005 13:01:10

try a real dictionary like http// adds all kinds of words in that aren't proper english words

anyways, the correct usage of the sentence is "does anyone find these free sites to be addictive" just to let you know.

also, dudeextrem, i definately wouldn't want to see you waste posts P


16-05-2005 13:01:17

[quote5ec3b14189="slease"]no, you typed in addicting and it referred you to addict

addicting is not a word[/quote5ec3b14189] will [i5ec3b14189]always[/i5ec3b14189] refer you to the "base" word.

Example with a commonly used word rivet


Is riveting not a word either?


16-05-2005 13:02:22

[quote4199d5c95d="MacTrader"]It's also spelled GrammAr.

and yes, they are ADDICTING and ADDICTIVE. Whichever your poison is, take your pick.[/quote4199d5c95d]

=) we've all got our pet peaves, you're right, i've got GrammAr problems too


16-05-2005 13:02:29

ok this isnt exactly what this post was for........


16-05-2005 13:02:41

Never fail, if someone complains about grammar they will either be wrong or have some other random mistake lol


16-05-2005 13:04:06

[quotec158e33a9b="slease"]try a real dictionary like http// adds all kinds of words in that aren't proper english words[/quotec158e33a9b] doesn't "add" anything...they use a compilation of sources (The American Heritage Dictionary, etc.)

Another example http//


16-05-2005 13:07:03


this is all i could find on the subject so far. i'll yield the topic though, didn't mean to change the subject.


16-05-2005 13:07:29

STFU who cares this is a forum not a spelling bee i hate it when people start correcting other people on this forum who gives a fuck


16-05-2005 13:09:33


this is all i could find on the subject so far. i'll yield the topic though, didn't mean to change the subject.[/quote89e0b9ee30]'ve "proved" that addicting is not an adjective...that doesn't mean it isn't a word.


16-05-2005 13:09:49

[quotef303c2e537="Stroid"]STFU who cares this is a forum not a spelling bee i hate it when people start correcting other people on this forum who gives a fuck[/quotef303c2e537]

i didnt start it.... i just wanted this to be a post about free sites being addictive, addicting, or what ever else u guys want....


16-05-2005 13:12:10

[quotec9f39b7d76="dudeextrem2000"][quotec9f39b7d76="Stroid"]STFU who cares this is a forum not a spelling bee i hate it when people start correcting other people on this forum who gives a fuck[/quotec9f39b7d76]

i didnt start it.... i just wanted this to be a post about free sites being addictive, addicting, or what ever else u guys want....[/quotec9f39b7d76]

he knows you didn't start it. stop acting like a 3 year old lol D

now, back to how free sites are addicting.


16-05-2005 13:12:34


this is all i could find on the subject so far. i'll yield the topic though, didn't mean to change the subject.[/quote196c6b2198]'ve "proved" that addicting is not an adjective...that doesn't mean it isn't a word.[/quote196c6b2198]

Correct, I was wrong with my first post. Addicting is a word, you can use it "Cigarrettes are addicting the population" as a verb. You just can't use it as an adjective or adverb.

And stroid, chill. At least I was being civil about it. As a mod you should learn to control yourself better.


16-05-2005 13:13:37

[quote341c67d3cc="slease"][quote341c67d3cc="MacTrader"]It's also spelled GrammAr.

and yes, they are ADDICTING and ADDICTIVE. Whichever your poison is, take your pick.[/quote341c67d3cc]

=) we've all got our pet peaves, you're right, i've got GrammAr problems too[/quote341c67d3cc]

You may be a grammar whore, but I'm the effin grammar nazi.

addicting = present participle. Basically, taking the VERB form of the word addict (it's also a noun, but I'm getting to that) and creating a present participle. http//

addictive = adjective. You should know what that is.

Addicting IS a word, and in special circumstances, they are interchangeable. However, in the grand scheme of things, they represent different parts of a sentence.


16-05-2005 13:13:41

Yes they are ADDICTING (there is said addicting) although i am starting to get really worn out on them. i have several sites that only need like 1 or 2 refs but i am to lazy to finish them


16-05-2005 13:13:46

[quote41b7d0c1dc="Stroid"]STFU who cares this is a forum not a spelling bee i hate it when people start correcting other people on this forum who gives a fuck[/quote41b7d0c1dc]

Haha good work


16-05-2005 13:14:48

[quote66fbebd162="Stroid"]STFU who cares this is a forum not a spelling bee i hate it when people start correcting other people on this forum who gives a fuck[/quote66fbebd162]


I only correct people when they are wrong in correcting others. Is that bad too?


16-05-2005 13:15:41

[quotea613378f78="dudeextrem2000"]does anyone else find these "free" sites to be addicting, is it a drug lol[/quotea613378f78]

Yes, which is why I've stopped doing the sites. Once I get off my ass to write a letter for my freehandbag gc, it'll be the end of my free site career.



16-05-2005 13:17:26

And stroid, chill. At least I was being civil about it. As a mod you should learn to control yourself better.[/quote755faaecf6]

Clearly im not flipping out about this but you went completly off-topic on this thread and i told all of you to stop since i am a mod and none of you seemed to understand that. And dont ever tell me what to do its not a good idea evil now i am pissed by your uneeded comment. I am a moderator here not you


16-05-2005 13:17:38

I'm also going to stop once I finish the sites in progress in my sig. That'll be enough "free" things for me. I'd say the worst part of the process is remembering which offers you have completed so that you don't get charged an arm and a leg.

edit, not wasting another post on the above comment. done with it.


16-05-2005 13:18:28

is there a patch or something, or like that smoke away stuff......



16-05-2005 13:23:23

[quote01dad73574="dudeextrem2000"]is there a patch or something, or like that smoke away stuff......

no, you have to go cold turkey.

You can't visit the forums, not even for the off-topic section. It's like a crack head going back to a crack house to visit their old friends.


16-05-2005 13:24:02

[quotee6d251cdc5="dudeextrem2000"]is there a patch or something, or like that smoke away stuff......


Not sure, can anyone help him out??

I just didn't get in really deep. I think my having an actual job outside of the free stuff life keeps me from getting too addicted.


16-05-2005 13:25:52

[quote011f2a741a="jadem"]I just didn't get in really deep. I think my having an actual job outside of the free stuff life keeps me from getting too addicted.[/quote011f2a741a]
true, since I don't have a job when I need money I'm like "well let me go get 5 refs & I'll get some extra cash."


16-05-2005 13:26:19

[quote36c3bf7478="jadem"][quote36c3bf7478="Stroid"]STFU who cares this is a forum not a spelling bee i hate it when people start correcting other people on this forum who gives a fuck[/quote36c3bf7478]


I only correct people when they are wrong in correcting others. Is that bad too?[/quote36c3bf7478]

it was more a general statement...its really rude when someone jumps on a thread and begins to correct people its simply not needed. i understand what you wrote was to help them out but i made that comment to everyone not anyone specifically. Like i said this is a forum where we all come to talk and trade its not a place to debate spelling of words. If they really wanna do that they need to create a thread for that and go at it in there not hijack a thread and talk about the word addicting roll


16-05-2005 13:26:37

Possibly an eye patch or two, put them on whenever you feel the urge to visit the forum or commence in a trade.

I don't think its the free sites that are addictive but the combination of the forum and the free sites.


16-05-2005 13:47:43

yes,free sites are pretty addicting,addictive,whatever;).....I'm still trying to finish my first free site,and I told myself that after this,I'll quit,but I know I won' there some sort of twelve step program I can join(as long as its free)...


16-05-2005 16:20:21
