What's your best free gift you recieved so far?

Live forum: http://forum.freeipodguide.com/viewtopic.php?t=14212


14-05-2005 04:07:09

So far I've recieved and from

FreeIpods.com - 20GB 4th Gen Ipod
FreeIpods.com - I Love Freeipods.com T-shirt - White/Large
FreePsps.com - Sony Psp Value Pack
FreeIpodShuffles.com - 1GB Ipod Shuffle
FreeGamingSystems.com - Microsoft Xbox

Then of course for $1 each I recieved
Travellers Advantage - $20 Circuit City Gift Card
Buyers Advantage - $20 Circuit City Gift Card
I don't remember the name of the other 2 offers but recieved 2 of those cheap digital camera's for $1 each.

So far I think my best free gift has to be the PSP. The Ipod I love but only really use it when I'm in the car with my Itrip...otherwise don't get to listen to it too much.

How about everyone else??


14-05-2005 04:57:17

Well, I've only got my DS and PSP so far, but I also have to say that I prefer my PSP. Unfortunately I've only got Lumines for it (which I got for $20 after using my Circuit City gift cards!), but it's still a pretty sweet system. (Though I do have to say, Nintendo sure knows how to make a more durable system.)

That $275 coming in will be nice, too D


14-05-2005 12:17:58

Mine would be the $700 check from DigitialMusic4Free (I-deal.) The best actual item would be my 60gb photo ipod. My piece of shit car doesn't have a cd player so i always had to listen to the radio. Now i use my ipod+itrip everyday.


14-05-2005 12:36:33

Not sure....I guess $400 check from NeatStuff4Free because 1) It's cash and, 2) It was easy at hell. Other than that - I'm not sure.


14-05-2005 12:39:08

[quotea2b7aa44a3="FreeOffersNow"]Not sure....I guess $400 check from NeatStuff4Free because 1) It's cash and, 2) It was easy at hell. Other than that - I'm not sure.[/quotea2b7aa44a3]

same P , wasn't too easy for me tho


14-05-2005 12:51:05

I've only received cash so far, but as soon as my Sonos gets to me it'll blow all your gifts away )


14-05-2005 12:57:52

[quote4c32a13be8="slease"]I've only received cash so far, but as soon as my Sonos gets to me it'll blow all your gifts away )[/quote4c32a13be8]

Don't make me draw up a sig ;)


14-05-2005 12:58:44

Do it!! Do it!!


14-05-2005 13:08:29

Skateboard wheels from skate4free or a check for $37.60 from Inbox Dollars... lol I wish my 6GB Ipod would come already. It was supposedly shipped... ?


14-05-2005 13:11:12

My ipod from gratis since Ive only received that and a $250 check form freehandbags. I really want a PSP


14-05-2005 13:31:42


GetFreeSnapple.com = 1 case of Snapple Apple for 3 referrals
BlackTarHeroin4Free.com = Two balloons for 1 referral


14-05-2005 13:37:41

[quote7c895a2a0d="FreeOffersNow"]Not sure....I guess $400 check from NeatStuff4Free because 1) It's cash and, 2) It was easy at hell. Other than that - I'm not sure.[/quote7c895a2a0d]

Wow, I lied...I definately received a 40GB iPod and Bose Sounddock lol....I'm a moron.


14-05-2005 13:56:17

It would be a huge dick move to make it my sig globally...so here's a quick image that looks about like what my sig would

http//keep3.sjfc.edu/students/sbs6061/sig.jpg[" alt=""/img9f2a334c64]

liNOTE I've omitted PrizeCube sites because I hate them. I received a $160 Amazon Gift Certificate on PrizeCube Games, but I was STV on PrizeCube Consoles ($160), Pending on PrizeCube Cameras ($190), and 5/8 on PrizeCube PVP's.


14-05-2005 14:01:00

Holy shit FON, thats a lot of stuff.

Im kind of new to the whole freebie thing but I have two sites going through approval now (check sig). I'm sure once they're approved, shipped, and in my hands, the massive addiction will set in.


14-05-2005 14:23:13

Whoops, I forgot the $150 from DS4Free


14-05-2005 14:24:57

Damn FON, you sure have many stuff. How do you do it???


14-05-2005 15:06:23

I guess none of you ever followed the links in my sig (