About TR rules?
12-05-2005 22:28:26
So I have had a question asked by a forum member that thinks the TR rule that states that if you have a lower TR record you must go first is stupid. This person believes that your length of time on the forum and post count should also play a factor. For example if you have 500 post with 10TR then you should not have to go first when trading with someone with 100 post with 20TR. What is everyones opinions on this? If many people agree i may change the rule.
12-05-2005 22:31:40
I say keep it the way it is, it's fair in my opinion...are there so many flaws that the other way would be better?
12-05-2005 22:32:09
yeah im gonna have to say i agree with the forum member in question...i think thats a good idea.......there are a lot of people with high post counts but low TR....judging by the rules if they went 1st for someone with +1TR higher than themselves, but only 10 posts....theres a high chance of being scammed.......thats just me though.....i think it would be a good idea to just change it around a bit......although i know alot of people will disagree.
12-05-2005 22:35:15
I dont see the correlation between post count and trading. Someone who has been a member for months and posts 20 times a day could be the worst trader on the board. I personally think the rule is fine the way it is.
12-05-2005 22:35:42
well if you have a suggestion on how to change it i am willing to hear it but i dont really see a way on how to change it.... we cant really say a person with 500 posts is more credible then a person with 1000 posts and at the same time we cant say that a person with 10TR is less credible then 20TR its a tough situation
12-05-2005 22:38:19
[quote289721cfce="Stroid"]So I have had a question asked by a forum member that thinks the TR rule that states that if you have a lower TR record you must go first is stupid. This person believes that your length of time on the forum and post count should also play a factor. For example if you have 500 post with 10TR then you should not have to go first when trading with someone with 100 post with 20TR. What is everyones opinions on this? If many people agree i may change the rule.[/quote289721cfce]
Your lacking a few more aspects -_-
Also take into consideration when two people with high trade records are trading. Lets say 25 TR vs 20 TR. Is the different that substantial that the 20TR would have to go first, also taking into consideration the 20TR has
1. Been around longer
2. Have tons of post and supports the community
I totally understand when we ask people with under 10 TR to go first, but when your dealing with people 10+ its stupid saying "you MUST go first" and yes there are many people that use that comment. "You have a lower TR so you must go first" But when you both have tons of TR why should that rule even apply? Many people use it to their advantage, i mean if they are a reasoning why they need you to go first by all means its welcome, but when they want it for the benifit i find that idiotic. I know there are traders that are willing to negoiate and i praise those people, but when it comes down to people asking you to go first for no reason i hate them. I am referrencing this to rules imposed by other trading sites and especially the former gearlive quick trade, when both parties have a great deal of TR then they should go equal timing. Anyways thats all i have to say, as i am sick of this bull shit.
12-05-2005 22:38:40
but isnt the fact that the person is on the forum a lot, spends alot of time replying to posts, making topics, contributing to the site etc. a sign that they are unlikely to be someone to just scam someone......i would trust (and have) someone with 1500 posts but a TR of 5, over someone with 10 posts and a TR of 20.
12-05-2005 22:39:53
[quoted789e60fe4="Stroid"]well if you have a suggestion on how to change it i am willing to hear it but i dont really see a way on how to change it.... we cant really say a person with 500 posts is more credible then a person with 1000 posts and at the same time we cant say that a person with 10TR is less credible then 20TR its a tough situation[/quoted789e60fe4]
Argh all im effin suggesting is take out that rule or only apply it to newbies. Make it so if people have high trade records its equal timing. Not one "must" go first.
12-05-2005 22:40:59
good point theysayjump and compfreak keep the suggestions coming
12-05-2005 22:41:44
[quote0852e63bb3="Stroid"]good point theysayjump and compfreak keep the suggestions coming[/quote0852e63bb3]
im on the verge of shutting up for good
12-05-2005 22:43:37
i also think that compfreaks suggestion of at least putting high posting members at equal parring with "newbies" with higher trade records a very good idea.
12-05-2005 22:44:48
[quote8b832311ac="theysayjump"]i also think that compfreaks suggestion of at least putting high posting members at equal parring with "newbies" with higher trade records a very good idea.[/quote8b832311ac]
More like putting everyone with high trade records at equal par
12-05-2005 22:44:49
its not bad and the person that was complaining was Compfreak
12-05-2005 22:46:35
[quote12d325304d="CoMpFrEaK"][quote12d325304d="theysayjump"]i also think that compfreaks suggestion of at least putting high posting members at equal parring with "newbies" with higher trade records a very good idea.[/quote12d325304d]
More like putting everyone with high trade records at equal par[/quote12d325304d]
yeah true....i didnt think about it like that.
12-05-2005 22:50:07
IMO, I like the rules as they are. I think there are a lot of people here like me who are just looking for trades and don't post much on the boards. I don't think someone is more credible just because they have a higher post count, although I do take it into consideration. Whenever I trade with someone, I check their TR first, then the date they registered here along with the post count. But I would have to say that the TR is the primary factor when I do trades.
12-05-2005 22:50:44
[quoteb1662e17c9="CoMpFrEaK"][quoteb1662e17c9="theysayjump"]i also think that compfreaks suggestion of at least putting high posting members at equal parring with "newbies" with higher trade records a very good idea.[/quoteb1662e17c9]
More like putting everyone with high trade records at equal par[/quoteb1662e17c9]
Ok well explain how we would match up TR record what is the correct amount to consider equal..... 10TR the same as 20TR how do we determine equal TR records
12-05-2005 22:52:46
thats the only stumbling block ive came to.........im not sure right now ill have to think about it more.
12-05-2005 22:58:58
What do you guys think of this
If both members, have more than say, 12TR, and both members have more than say, 200 posts, neither of them is "required" to go first. Meaning, they can come to that conclusion on their own. I could even implement a simulated coin-flip into the trading module to decide who goes.
I dont even see why this is such a huge issue. When I'm doing a trade, I check into the person to decide if they're trustworthy, talk to them, then just isgn up and do an offer, and ask them to do the same. Most of the time they're so surprised that I just went that they're glad to take care of it right then and there.
12-05-2005 23:00:00
[quote38a913ccdb="Admin"]What do you guys think of this
If both members, have more than say, 12TR, and both members have more than say, 200 posts, neither of them is "required" to go first. Meaning, they can come to that conclusion on their own. I could even implement a simulated coin-flip into the trading module to decide who goes.
I dont even see why this is such a huge issue. When I'm doing a trade, I check into the person to decide if they're trustworthy, talk to them, then just isgn up and do an offer, and ask them to do the same. Most of the time they're so surprised that I just went that they're glad to take care of it right then and there.[/quote38a913ccdb]
That sounds like a good idea to me
12-05-2005 23:02:40
sounds good to me also...but with maybe one change.....some people could come on here just goet trades for notebooks4free and then possibly scam people when they get near the end.....maybe "up" the +TR requirement to 19 or something like that, then at least you know theyve got all their refs for notebooks, and plus 1.......im not saying do it with 19, but im just trying to make a point.
12-05-2005 23:03:39
[quote53e49b84ed="Admin"]What do you guys think of this
If both members, have more than say, 12TR, and both members have more than say, 200 posts, neither of them is "required" to go first. Meaning, they can come to that conclusion on their own. I could even implement a simulated coin-flip into the trading module to decide who goes.
I dont even see why this is such a huge issue. When I'm doing a trade, I check into the person to decide if they're trustworthy, talk to them, then just isgn up and do an offer, and ask them to do the same. Most of the time they're so surprised that I just went that they're glad to take care of it right then and there.[/quote53e49b84ed]
I would have to agree with you. I support how you trade to the fullest extent, but what im referring to are those people who say "you must go first cause i have more" And when i rebuke what they say then im presented with the fact "well the rules say so." They are basically taking advantage of the rules for person gain. Im for what you suggest in the first part, not to sure about the coin toss, but as it stands it can be optional. (To be decided by traders, more for traders who are not in a rush though)
PS Im sorry my friend hasnt turned green yet admin, but i shall address that with another referral this weekend. Hopefully it will work, guess my friend messed up, worst thing is im out $10 cry
12-05-2005 23:13:21
I'm not going to lie - I didn't read all of your arguments...but I'm going to say what I have to say. Although CoMpFrEaK has been around a few months longer than I have, I have nearly 1000 more posts than him. This does NOT mean I am a better trader than him, and I'm sure he wouldn't be too happy if I told him he had to go first, even though we have the same TR...just because I have more posts. If post count had any impact on trading, why not just spam the boards? Because that's what a rule change of that nature would bring. The rules aren't perfect but they seem to be working very well, in fact, this site probably has the best trading environment available. That said, last week I had a TR of 3, and hadn't done much trading at all - I had no problem going first for a few people since they had higher TR's. However, many members had no problem with going first, or at the same time as me...because they realize that I am a well known, respected (I hope) member of the community. Suck it up and follow the rules - it's for the best.
12-05-2005 23:19:04
[quoteb4cf760552="FreeOffersNow"]I'm not going to lie - I didn't read all of your arguments...but I'm going to say what I have to say. Although CoMpFrEaK has been around a few months longer than I have, I have nearly 1000 more posts than him. This does NOT mean I am a better trader than him, and I'm sure he wouldn't be too happy if I told him he had to go first, even though we have the same TR...just because I have more posts. If post count had any impact on trading, why not just spam the boards? Because that's what a rule change of that nature would bring. The rules aren't perfect but they seem to be working very well, in fact, this site probably has the best trading environment available. That said, last week I had a TR of 3, and hadn't done much trading at all - I had no problem going first for a few people since they had higher TR's. However, many members had no problem with going first, or at the same time as me...because they realize that I am a well known, respected (I hope) member of the community. Suck it up and follow the rules - it's for the best.[/quoteb4cf760552]
All im asking for is when two people who both have high TR go at the same time. Not have one having to go first cause hes a bit lower, i mean both have earned a reputation, but why does one have to go first and one later? Post count only applys when lets say someone with a +14 says you must go first, cause if he was a month old n00b i would have issues with that. And especially when i receive PM stating "hey wanna trade, you go first." I must admit we have a decent atmosphere in terms of trading compared to other places, but different factors must also be looked at, its not all due to our rules. Many of the features the Admin has placed help create a decent atmosphere. All im suggesting is that we can prefect it a bit by not having a few high trade record people be discriminated against just cause they have a bit less.
12-05-2005 23:22:19
[quote8a4d0ccbb5="FreeOffersNow"]If post count had any impact on trading, why not just spam the boards? Because that's what a rule change of that nature would bring.[/quote8a4d0ccbb5]
I completely agree.
12-05-2005 23:25:22
[quoteeff887e19a="bigchan2k"][quoteeff887e19a="FreeOffersNow"]If post count had any impact on trading, why not just spam the boards? Because that's what a rule change of that nature would bring.[/quoteeff887e19a]
I completely agree.[/quoteeff887e19a]
Cause spam is usully deleted, and the user itself banned. Example would be what CC40 did and Limecoke. Limecoke especially, he was banned for making stupid posts and later on multiple accounts. Fact is not many if anyone is going to get over 1000 posts by spam, its virtually impossible.
Oh yea heres FON's comment
Free also, of the like 9 trades I've done this week...most were with people with higher TR's - and they just said they trust me and will go now and i can go when i get a chance
Free or "same time"
compfreak thats cuase you post a lot and people have grown to know you
Free and because i have a large penis
Yea so he somewhat said post matters, cause he said the word "and."
12-05-2005 23:30:27
I'm not sure what you mean by the 19+ "rule" you were indicating above. That doesn't make sense to me.
The cointoss idea was just as an extra sort of "tie breaker" so that if two high-TR people want to trade and they don't want to go at the same time, they could choose to have the module pick one for them. It would never be required.
I'm totally with you guys on the TR issue. I've always said that once you get to 10, or really even 5, it's all the same. I don't really think +8 traders and +50 traders are really all that different in terms of how they conduct themselves and how trustworthy they are.
My final question is this
At the end of the day, how much of a "personal gain" is involved in being the second to go green? Honestly, this usually means you get your green what, a week before the other person? Maybe two? In the long run, especially with how slow most non-tri-network-sites are in shipping/verifying, how significant is this? Is it such a huge point of contention?
12-05-2005 23:30:48
[quote6fcb398c9a="CoMpFrEaK"]Free and because i have a large penis[/quote6fcb398c9a]
Damn...now everyone knows my secret.
12-05-2005 23:36:04
[quote3f3cc204cf="Admin"]I'm not sure what you mean by the 19+ "rule" you were indicating above. That doesn't make sense to me.
The cointoss idea was just as an extra sort of "tie breaker" so that if two high-TR people want to trade and they don't want to go at the same time, they could choose to have the module pick one for them. It would never be required.
I'm totally with you guys on the TR issue. I've always said that once you get to 10, or really even 5, it's all the same. I don't really think +8 traders and +50 traders are really all that different in terms of how they conduct themselves and how trustworthy they are.
My final question is this
At the end of the day, how much of a "personal gain" is involved in being the second to go green? Honestly, this usually means you get your green what, a week before the other person? Maybe two? In the long run, especially with how slow most non-tri-network-sites are in shipping/verifying, how significant is this? Is it such a huge point of contention?[/quote3f3cc204cf]
What my idea of the rule should be
Traders with less then ____ amount of TR's must go first, if the two parties have more then _____ amount of TR's on both sides then it is up to the parties involved to choose how the trade should be played out.
So that would eliminate the part where people are like i have a few more TR so you MUST go first.
And to address what you said about timing. To me timing is critical, as i may miss the upcomming ship date and such. Also complications may be met along the way such as the site is non crediting, by doing it the same time you lessen this huge delay. Even though those are only minor benifits its neitherless benifits we could all use.
12-05-2005 23:45:33
Okay, I think this is reasonable.
I've created a poll to gauge the community's feelings about this as a whole. After a few days I'll make a decision.
Vote http//forum.freeipodguide.com/viewtopic.php?t=14124
13-05-2005 08:10:16
I say the rules are working fine the way they are now why change something that work isn't there a saying that says if aint broke dont fix it. I think changing to incorporate posts just makes it more vague and unclear. Beyond that if you trade enough eventually you will get to go first it shuld be something thats earned by doing a bunch of trades not just being around along time while those are indicators that a person is reputable it shouldnt have impact on who goes first. Besides it rewards people who have consistently been a good trader and done lots of trades.
13-05-2005 10:02:23
[quote83ff298258="bigchan2k"]IMO, I like the rules as they are. I think there are a lot of people here like me who are just looking for trades and don't post much on the boards. I don't think someone is more credible just because they have a higher post count, although I do take it into consideration. Whenever I trade with someone, I check their TR first, then the date they registered here along with the post count. But I would have to say that the TR is the primary factor when I do trades.[/quote83ff298258]
by that logic, why would anyone want to trade with you. You've been here all of 12 days, and haave 3 TR, and very few posts. How can you hold people to a higher standard than yourself?
13-05-2005 10:56:51
Although I agree with Compfreak, I voted for keeping the old rule. It is a bit unfair for the people with high TR [b9a2dfd6e22]and[/b9a2dfd6e22] high posts number.
I always feel safer to trade with people who joined, let's say last October, than people who joined in the last 1-2, even 3 months.
Keep the rule as it is now, if you don't feel like doing the trade - avoid it if possible.