09-05-2005 12:42:37

http//[" alt=""/img86a24a0eb8]
I saw it when I entered too many characters on my signature.
09-05-2005 12:46:41
I saw that too when I got an error for something. It doesn't offend me b/c I have no idea what it is supposed to mean. And Niger is a place so...
But I am wondering what the picture means.
09-05-2005 12:48:14
[quote94e3e6acb2="Retro"]I saw that too when I got an error for something. It doesn't offend me b/c I have no idea what it is supposed to mean. And Niger is a place so...
But I am wondering what the picture means.[/quote94e3e6acb2]
Its a take on the saying "nigger please". Instead, they use "niger".
I thought it was pretty funny.. maybe not appropriate though.
09-05-2005 12:50:38
[quote7333e0da37="liquidskin"]Its a take on the saying "nigger please". Instead, they use "niger".[/quote7333e0da37]
Actually, I never even understood that until just now. I just thought that was some error picture that would appear with this template by default, and hadn't been changed yet. lol
09-05-2005 12:50:56
Oh okay, well then that's stupid
I think the question is, does it offend YOU?
09-05-2005 12:54:06
[quote3d81ee0058="wood"]I think the question is, does it offend YOU?[/quote3d81ee0058]
I'm not black, so I guess not. But it probably will affend someone out there, once they figure out what it actually means.
09-05-2005 13:02:15
[quote7d6eae2054="wood"]I think the question is, does it offend YOU?[/quote7d6eae2054]
i'm white, so it doesn't offend me, but it does kinda bother me. i hate when people use that word. if it's a black person using it, that's fine, but otherwise i associate it to a period of time that we don't really need to live again.
09-05-2005 13:15:53
I thought it was amusing )
09-05-2005 13:20:53
i'm white, so it doesn't offend me, but it does kinda bother me. i hate when people use that word. if it's a black person using it, that's fine, but otherwise i associate it to a period of time that we don't really need to live again.
why is the race of the individual using the word relevant? either the term is offensive or it isn't, and there shouldn't be the double standard with regard to that term that clearly exists and that you apparently subscribe to.
by the way, given your logic, the phrase the picture in question alludes to (i.e. "nigga please") is one that is derived from one black person speaking to another, so it shouldn't bother you.
for the record, I'm not offended by it because I don't think the intent is to be racist in any way.
09-05-2005 13:22:14
I thought it was hilarious and laughed for quite a while when I saw it the first time. The way it's presented, with the city Please in Niger, that's just the work of a genius!
09-05-2005 13:22:40
It kinda bothers me. I'm not sure how using that word is funny.
09-05-2005 13:23:21
hahaha that's so funny )
almost the same kind of humor as
i love satire )
09-05-2005 13:23:42
[quotecc387717b2="planetj319"]It kinda bothers me. I'm not sure how using that word is funny.[/quotecc387717b2]
well, for what it's worth, it's not "using that word"--it's alluding to it.
09-05-2005 13:23:49
i never understood it until now either... but im not black so nope...
09-05-2005 13:33:39
this thread is going in the wrong direction
10-05-2005 08:39:35
Would this be better?

http//[" alt=""/img93e0fc07f3]