My Ode To FreeIpodGuide - The Ballad of CC40

Live forum:


07-05-2005 20:33:58

I traveled upon the forum upon the guidance of liquidskin
I opened up the Trading Post to examine what was within
Acquired all I needed for the site by Cool4Free
Low and behold, the sites on hold, what else is there for me?
I ventured out off to Gratis and such a site that was named OC
I got sick of the major and headed for the small
I found the most newbie scam site of them all
Was ripped off and torn off and screwed to the core
Worked my ass off, and yet I still wanted more
Now trading wasn't enough for myself to be cool
I traveled to Off-Topic, got pwned, and taken to school
I continued to post, even though is was dumb
Was flamed oh so hard, my mind just went numb
So I got stupid and tricky posted some shit
That had our own mods up in a fit
I apoligized greatly to the FIPG crew
They all responded haughtily and said we are so glad he's through
I came back around 5, the very next day
Sat down and started thinking in a brand new smart way
I said, why do I post, so much shit of no use
To get flamed out by people dumb as a moose
So I am wising up and turning over a new side
The improved CC40 and how he will survive
On a forum of sharks on which they will prey
On me until I stop ruining their posting day
I am not posting to be stupid, not try to harm ya
Just need a clever way, to ask for some karma



07-05-2005 20:37:19

Pretty good CC, welcome back.


07-05-2005 20:48:33

i love it.
welcome back brotha.

PS. Pink is my favorite color, and I love monkeys, esepcially little brown ones.


07-05-2005 20:49:59

Thanks man.

-Pro-Life, Gun Tootin',Middle Aged, Angry, War Loving, NeoConservative, Right Wing Zealot CC40


07-05-2005 20:52:14

PS. Pink is my favorite color, and I love monkeys, esepcially little brown ones.[/quote20919fead6]

I owe my whole trading career to sweeedfish, I would be nothing without him, he rocks.

Thanks again sweeedfish,
L to the D to the S to the N - liquidskin


07-05-2005 21:38:12

Damn you cc40...I go to this poem posts and don't want to read all of it but then I end up reading it all.


08-05-2005 00:03:14

Oh joy yippie your back


08-05-2005 00:07:30

do anyone want to make this comment? "get a life?"


08-05-2005 00:07:46

That was pretty good, are you like a freestyle rapper or something? 8)


08-05-2005 01:49:14

Sort of. I like freestyle poetry or "free verse" I am quick with things to say


08-05-2005 02:23:58

CC40 could so be a member of the Icy Hot Stuntaz!!![/size4a28bd13a5]

http//[" alt=""/img4a28bd13a5]


08-05-2005 05:54:18

LMAO. I remember that website.


08-05-2005 15:12:55

I remember that from a looooong time ago.


08-05-2005 16:11:38

You post here way too much.


08-05-2005 16:15:09

cry That was so beautiful.



08-05-2005 18:06:40

nice and welcome back....


08-05-2005 18:09:55

Ahh, that reminded me of Asian Prince. Remember him? http//


08-05-2005 19:57:52

Id say it was wing quality