07-10-2004 21:34:58
ok so tonight basically my life was threatened...kinda. someone IMed me asking me about my freeipod (i guess they searched something and got my SN). well answer their questions but then what is below happened. it is probably just some punk kid but i'd like to report him cause its just stupid shit (lili...lili = not part of conversation, commentary by me...and some of convo has been edited out cause its just not needed for the point. -=-=-=- is a cussword too, actually in convo but edited).
liliit is pretty casual so i don't mind giving my namelili
jenn61900 (112700 PM) whats ur first name?
ME (112750 PM) jeff
jenn61900 (112753 PM) doyle
ME (112818 PM) yup haha
jenn61900 (112822 PM) yup
ME (112827 PM) picture?
lilii put up pictures of my ipod and the package it came in on my profile. i didn't block out the addy though since the only people that know my SN are friends and they all know it anyway...was going to black it out when i posted public pics, but didn't get around to it yetlili
jenn61900 (112841 PM) do u mean do i have a picture?
ME (112925 PM) from the pictures on my profile, is that how you got my name?
jenn61900 (112942 PM) what pics in ur profile
jenn61900 (112953 PM) all i see is writing
ME (113009 PM) how'd you know my name then?
jenn61900 (113014 PM) ... idk
ME (113029 PM) ?
jenn61900 (113037 PM) ?
jenn61900 (113044 PM) lol im a stalker
ME (113117 PM) ???
jenn61900 (113147 PM) stalker>comin to kill ur ass right now
ME (113239 PM) how'd you actually get my name (if not through the picture?
jenn61900 (113300 PM) -=-=-=-in shoot u in ur sleep whenu shut ur -=-=-=- in eyes tonite
jenn61900 (113323 PM) betta lock ur windows and doors
jenn61900 (113328 PM) nother-=-=-=-a
jenn61900 (113344 PM) mother-=-=-=-a
ME (113354 PM) why are you saying all this?
jenn61900 (113411 PM) cuz im warnin ur ass that u betta watch ur back
ME (113422 PM) do you know where i live?
jenn61900 (113503 PM) hells yea and my gang gonna slit ur throat u better sleep wit ur eyes open
jenn61900 (113513 PM) cut u up in lil pieces
ME (113517 PM) how if you don't even know what state i'm in?
liliat this point i realize i have the picture of my package up with my addy up and quickly take it downlili
jenn61900 (113706 PM) o ull see
jenn61900 (113717 PM) ur gonna hear a knock at ur door tonite
jenn61900 (113720 PM) u watch
jenn61900 (113736 PM) o so i see u took out ur adress in ur photo album
jenn61900 (113743 PM) bad its to late
ME (113812 PM) state?
jenn61900 (113826 PM) that would just give u the satisfaction
jenn61900 (113834 PM) u wouldntbe as scared
ME (113838 PM) i'm not scared
jenn61900 (113845 PM) i know thats why i aint telin u
jenn61900 (113848 PM) think what u want
jenn61900 (113902 PM) im not tellin u cuz i dont know
jenn61900 (113907 PM) that -=-=-=- aint true
jenn61900 (113908 PM) but
jenn61900 (113913 PM) think what u wanna biatch
jenn61900 (113915 PM) ull c
jenn61900 (113923 PM) probblly in the next hour or so
ME (113936 PM) why are you doing this? you IM me twice asking me questions and i try to help both times then you pull crap like this?
jenn61900 (114044 PM) u think im pullin ur leg
jenn61900 (114046 PM) ok well see
jenn61900 (114104 PM) about 1230 watch ur door ull see a couple a guys anf prolly me
jenn61900 (114107 PM) watch
jenn61900 (114117 PM) save my s/n on ur buddy list
jenn61900 signed off at 114122 PM.
so as i said it is probably just some punk kid, but this stupid crap annoys me. and i know i shouldn't have put my addy up but i thought it'd be only for two days and since i didn't post anywhere but my profile i'd be ok...but i'll never do that again. and i know i could'a just hit ignore but was hoping to track him. if anyone has any info on reporting SNs i'd greatly appreciate it, thank you.
07-10-2004 21:51:44
call the police and tell him that so you scare his white ass
08-10-2004 00:44:07
Its 12 44 are you ok? Talk to me; come on breathe, BREATHE god damnit. cry We lost him...
08-10-2004 03:51:19
yeah i'm alright, survived the night...whew! lol...could i call the police about this really? i mean don't want to waste their time with the little shit.
08-10-2004 06:14:43
[quoteab4bbbe6cc="sweetworld731"]yeah i'm alright, survived the night...whew! lol...could i call the police about this really? i mean don't want to waste their time with the little shit.
u don't really have to call the police, just say that u called the police and get him scared
08-10-2004 07:32:05
It's nothing. Just some internet nerd trying to act tough.
08-10-2004 10:05:56
OK, he's obviously some sad 16 year old boy. And just the sort of person I like to see made miserable. Torment him. Scare him. Tell him you called the police and that your lawyers have been notified.
That, or don't give him the satisfaction. ;)
09-10-2004 02:19:46
Tell him you contacted the police & they said they were passing the info on to the fbi and that they would be in contact shortly. If hes some lil kid everytime the phone rings he'll be freaked ;)