has anyone talked to mr sofa sets recently?
02-05-2005 20:59:51
Sorry, it''s just that lots of people are getting worried about this freenotebookpc situation. Nobody knows whats goin on at gearlive either. I was just wondering whether anyone has talked to sofa recently regarding the site. that is all.
02-05-2005 21:02:58
yeh... i gotta do a few refs for you
02-05-2005 21:20:28
[quote80ab5303a1="geej86"]Sorry, it''s just that lots of people are getting worried about this freenotebookpc situation. Nobody knows whats goin on at The Gayest Site Ever either. I was just wondering whether anyone has talked to sofa recently regarding the site. that is all.[/quote80ab5303a1]
I love how you call it the gayest site ever but look where everyone goes for info... No word from Sofa still, starting to get worried...
02-05-2005 21:21:42
[quote09f8f61e57="Wolfeman"][quote09f8f61e57="geej86"]Sorry, it''s just that lots of people are getting worried about this freenotebookpc situation. Nobody knows whats goin on at The Gayest Site Ever either. I was just wondering whether anyone has talked to sofa recently regarding the site. that is all.[/quote09f8f61e57]
I love how you call it the gayest site ever but look where everyone goes for info... No word from Sofa still, starting to get worried...[/quote09f8f61e57]
Actually many people on this site go to both sites you can get info in either place...so if people say they saw people talking about it there doesnt mean they are going there for info but they are going to multiple places for info
02-05-2005 21:23:44
okay fine... g3arlive
02-05-2005 21:25:53
yea i need to talk to sofa sets for more important issues than a 'free site'.
02-05-2005 21:26:52
[quote89cef6f0d4="geej86"]okay fine... g3arlive[/quote89cef6f0d4]
Ok thats better. I just don't get the hate...
02-05-2005 21:28:49
[quotef5b47fa821="Wolfeman"][quotef5b47fa821="geej86"]okay fine... g3arlive[/quotef5b47fa821]
Ok thats better. I just don't get the hate...[/quotef5b47fa821]
wolfe you know that everyone at GL hates people at FIPG and it goes both ways...alot of people at GL talk alot of shit about FIPG so there is kinda a rivalry. i visit GL doesnt mean i really like it...i mainly dont like how messy it is with all the adds and clutter maybe thats just me
02-05-2005 21:31:55
[quote1cfb63fe8d="Stroid"][quote1cfb63fe8d="Wolfeman"][quote1cfb63fe8d="geej86"]okay fine... g3arlive[/quote1cfb63fe8d]
Ok thats better. I just don't get the hate...[/quote1cfb63fe8d]
wolfe you know that everyone at GL hates people at FIPG and it goes both ways...alot of people at GL talk alot of shit about FIPG so there is kinda a rivalry. i visit GL doesnt mean i really like it...i mainly dont like how messy it is with all the adds and clutter maybe thats just me[/quote1cfb63fe8d]
same here. i probably only have about 4 posts on it P
02-05-2005 21:33:43
[quote172a267aa8="EatChex89"]yea i need to talk to sofa sets for more important issues than a 'free site'.[/quote172a267aa8]
Its important to me cause I put a lot of time and effort into getting my 18G. If you hear from him, tell him to come back...
02-05-2005 21:35:39
even a simple post would reassure me quite alot
02-05-2005 21:47:22
I know he just moved so I assume his life is crazy right now. Maybe he doesn't have DSL yet and only has time to check his mail on 56k.
02-05-2005 21:48:06
i will do my best to contact him
02-05-2005 21:58:12
Thanks Stroid. I have a lot of faith still. Its just hard when you have 18 greens and 3 pending to get a Powerbook (such a dream) and the site and owner are just MIA. Come on Sofa )
03-05-2005 09:20:08
Any word

http//www.freeipodguide.com/phpBB2/smilies_mod/upload/2de0637feae3f61415b54ead3674c36e.gif[" alt=""/img589b025147]
03-05-2005 09:25:47
Not yet i sent him a email at like 2am so he prolle is just getting it now
09-05-2005 12:55:04
has anyone heard anything from mr sofa sets lately?
09-05-2005 13:11:53
Nope, he is MIA...
09-05-2005 13:12:47
he died
09-05-2005 13:18:41
[quote84cea8916a="Blink182=Gone"]he died[/quote84cea8916a]
Saline Mist
09-05-2005 13:41:35
He scammed you all.
09-05-2005 13:42:54
[quote243551ecdf="Saline Mist"]He scammed you all.[/quote243551ecdf]
I kinda hope that your comment is wrong, only because I want to start this site once things get fixed.
09-05-2005 14:04:09
[quotec54b1eabed="Saline Mist"]He scammed you all.[/quotec54b1eabed]
Banned again why dont these people stop.
09-05-2005 15:09:08
[quotec3419b62df="Stroid"][quotec3419b62df="Saline Mist"]He scammed you all.[/quotec3419b62df]
Banned again why dont these people stop.[/quotec3419b62df]
what is it the same person that keeps re-registering and saying "mr sofa scammed u guys?" lol
09-05-2005 15:16:03
that person is Corolla, Passsword, and other names he has been bant before
09-05-2005 15:20:09
[quote4f0a50149f="Stroid"]that person is Corolla, Passsword, and other names he has been bant before[/quote4f0a50149f]
oh ok...is "limeinthecoke" the same guy, too?
09-05-2005 15:39:55
im not sure
10-05-2005 05:13:52
Still nothing?
It's been over a week since this topic was started...
I havent seen him on AIM either.
I haven't lost ALL faith though...
10-05-2005 07:34:54
[quote7b95b4f435="Saline Mist"]He scammed you all.[/quote7b95b4f435]

http/" alt=""/img.photobucket.com/albums/v375/rebelsociety/BANT.jpg[/img7b95b4f435]
10-05-2005 08:22:50
[quoteb330fc4156="wood"]I havent seen him on AIM either.
I haven't lost ALL faith though...[/quoteb330fc4156]
Nor have I, on both accounts.
11-05-2005 12:05:49
Well freenotebookpc is gone. The site disappeared. This sucks monkey ass. I lost a lot of time and money getting refs...
11-05-2005 13:39:13
/me is so happy that he was unable to complete any of the offers due to the fact that they never worked.
11-05-2005 15:20:16
Anyone know what Sofa's name is? Like his real first name?
11-05-2005 17:00:34
I had one green and five yellows... Probably half of which I had to do a referral for first... Really.. really.. lame.
11-05-2005 17:43:24
[quotefcc44b3ca6="redskunk"]I had one green and five yellows... Probably half of which I had to do a referral for first... Really.. really.. lame.[/quotefcc44b3ca6]
I had 18 greens and 2 yellows, get in line

http//www.freeipodguide.com/phpBB2/smilies_mod/upload/6143eb9a42fb735201647b8d3fdc9688.gif[" alt=""/imgfcc44b3ca6]
11-05-2005 18:24:59
[quote05f1a6b4ab="Wolfeman"]Well freenotebookpc is gone. The site disappeared. This sucks monkey ass. I lost a lot of time and money getting refs...[/quote05f1a6b4ab]
Gone? I just logged in to my account.
11-05-2005 18:34:43
[quote060aca12d0="stimpy"][quote060aca12d0="Wolfeman"]Well freenotebookpc is gone. The site disappeared. This sucks monkey ass. I lost a lot of time and money getting refs...[/quote060aca12d0]
Gone? I just logged in to my account.[/quote060aca12d0]
freenotebookpc? I don't see how...
11-05-2005 18:37:22
[quoteecd10eb975="Wolfeman"][quoteecd10eb975="stimpy"][quoteecd10eb975="Wolfeman"]Well freenotebookpc is gone. The site disappeared. This sucks monkey ass. I lost a lot of time and money getting refs...[/quoteecd10eb975]
Gone? I just logged in to my account.[/quoteecd10eb975]
freenotebookpc? I don't see how...[/quoteecd10eb975]
The site doesn't exist over here either....glad I didn't do the site...but pretty upset that he would betray me (and several others) like this. Well, that's the internet for ya ( Let's see what happens.
11-05-2005 18:49:51
Oddly enough, I can also log in. I made sure to delete all of my information while I was at it, too.
11-05-2005 18:56:06
Might just be a DNS error?
11-05-2005 19:06:15
[quote1cd1db3037="FreeOffersNow"]Might just be a DNS error?[/quote1cd1db3037]
Maybe but the fact remains he is totally MIA...
11-05-2005 19:51:50
it is gone for me also, it maybe a DNS error, but if so, i only think its a matter of tmie b4 its gone for good. Sofa is makeing it really ease for me you use the S word on this one!
11-05-2005 20:00:38
[quote1c561ce746="slowdown"]it is gone for me also, it maybe a DNS error, but if so, i only think its a matter of tmie b4 its gone for good. Sofa is makeing it really ease for me you use the S word on this one!
slowdown, are you the one that I set up a trade with a while ago for this site? I did the offer, but clearly sofa is missing.
11-05-2005 20:07:38
Sofaset has got me worried to, i personally would give him two more weeks. Prior to his site comming up he sounded more then legit. Some of you guys may say that he never had the money to ship out items but thats untrue, he had enough capital to ship out several laptops
11-05-2005 20:11:26
[quoteff0f7f3eff="CoMpFrEaK"]Sofaset has got me worried to, i personally would give him two more weeks. Prior to his site comming up he sounded more then legit.[/quoteff0f7f3eff]

http//www.freeipodguide.com/phpBB2/smilies_mod/upload/fc58a1528ae98830c9fce758488fd523.gif[" alt=""/imgff0f7f3eff]
12-05-2005 05:15:08
Stroid, Any comments on this site ... ? You launched it and said you're assisting Sofa with the site. Do you have any info on him, or his wherebouts? What's his e-mail addy?
12-05-2005 12:03:27
[quotefa4324701e="Sebring"]Stroid, Any comments on this site ... ? You launched it and said you're assisting Sofa with the site. Do you have any info on him, or his wherebouts? What's his e-mail addy?[/quotefa4324701e]
yeah were you helping him or just promoting?
12-05-2005 12:36:47
[quote069868dfce="alexvega"]yeah were you helping him or just promoting?[/quote069868dfce]
...promoting, would be my guess.
12-05-2005 16:07:07
Gone? I just logged in to my account.[/quote7b20beb195]
freenotebookpc? I don't see how...[/quote7b20beb195]
Yeah, looks like it is gone for me now, also... that sucks.
12-05-2005 16:10:36
Gone? I just logged in to my account.[/quote281f3f4c3e]
freenotebookpc? I don't see how...[/quote281f3f4c3e]
Yeah, looks like it is gone for me now, also... that sucks.[/quote281f3f4c3e]
Yes, I think that it's gone
12-05-2005 16:26:42
Still not workin here either.

http//www.freeipodguide.com/phpBB2/smilies_mod/upload/bf8406c79f17cface33ace0b5fecae94.gif[" alt=""/img3c99e0a24a]
12-05-2005 16:33:03
Not a good sign...
12-05-2005 16:55:14
[quoteed71acdeef="AndrewZ"]Not a good sign...[/quoteed71acdeef]Yeah, seriously, how many signs do we need to realize we got scammed cheated and lied to? Is the fact that the site is gona not good enough ... shock
12-05-2005 17:34:37
[quote5196270385="Retro"][quote5196270385="slowdown"]it is gone for me also, it maybe a DNS error, but if so, i only think its a matter of tmie b4 its gone for good. Sofa is makeing it really ease for me you use the S word on this one!
slowdown, are you the one that I set up a trade with a while ago for this site? I did the offer, but clearly sofa is missing.[/quote5196270385]
yes we did. Man this sucks, I had a ton of trades going on this site
12-05-2005 17:47:17
some people have lost TONS of money paying people for refs on this site! I know wolfeman lost at least $300 paying people for this site.
12-05-2005 17:50:16
I really didnt see this coming... I dont wanna jump to any conclusions or falsly accuse people, but maybe he was gonna leave the freebie world anyways and decided to make a slice of cash before he called it quits. Besides, he didnt break any laws, hes perfectly protected under his TOS I believe.
12-05-2005 18:08:17
[quote53a641bd2a="AndrewZ"]I really didnt see this coming... I dont wanna jump to any conclusions or falsly accuse people, but maybe he was gonna leave the freebie world anyways and decided to make a slice of cash before he called it quits. Besides, he didnt break any laws, hes perfectly protected under his TOS I believe.
He had a great reputation as a member here, I'm sure that helped in his that. ( Dangit, SOFAAA!!!!
12-05-2005 19:37:21
get his IP, trace route it, get closer to where he lives im sure with some snooping you guys could find him and give him what is deserved in this case baddd karma.
12-05-2005 20:01:34
i could find him. but it'd cost $$ -D
12-05-2005 20:14:59
I found an address and number but the person said they didn't know anyone named Joseph...
13-05-2005 06:33:06
i feel totaly betrayed and lied to...i put myself on the line for him even at one point he gave me power to check for fraud on his site. Now he wont return my emails, pms, and i dont see him online. I cant believe he would do that....i hope sofa does the right thing i mean if for some reason he cant give out gifts then we need to be told like we where told with prizecube. im sorry if me endorsing his site led anyone to pursue it and i hope it doesnt take away from my credibility as a trustworthy forum member. I think overall we all got screwed by him i even did the site and got a few refs and now i to am stuck without anything. Lets hope he comes back
13-05-2005 10:21:24
13-05-2005 10:29:05
snap (
13-05-2005 10:35:26
one of those might be him. call the number listed.
13-05-2005 10:40:52
I got that # on speed dial lol
13-05-2005 10:41:19
Wow, this is ridiculous. How can the domain be available now? When you register it, you register it for the year.
13-05-2005 10:49:33
[quote234f31dce4="Retro"]Wow, this is ridiculous. How can the domain be available now? When you register it, you register it for the year.[/quote234f31dce4]The domain is NOT available. Try registering it, and it will tell you it's taken. www.godaddy.com, or even click the register page on that site ^^^^.
13-05-2005 10:52:03
[quotec97a8f2ed2="Sebring"]I got that # on speed dial lol[/quotec97a8f2ed2]
Well, what happened when you called?
13-05-2005 10:52:09
[quote3a45b3dd2a="bruman"]some people have lost TONS of money paying people for refs on this site! I know wolfeman lost at least $300 paying people for this site.[/quote3a45b3dd2a]
That sux.....I would be so beyond friggin' pissed
13-05-2005 10:54:21
[quotef0bc411bda="Sebring"][quotef0bc411bda="Retro"]Wow, this is ridiculous. How can the domain be available now? When you register it, you register it for the year.[/quotef0bc411bda]The domain is NOT available. Try registering it, and it will tell you it's taken. www.godaddy.com, or even click the register page on that site ^^^^.[/quotef0bc411bda]
that makes sense. possibly, his host dropped the site and that's just where it happens to point too? i dunno
13-05-2005 10:59:35
I didn't call yet, I'll wait till I get off work. I had 18 greens and 3+ people waiting credit ....
13-05-2005 11:16:45
[quotec0fc9f0bb9="EatChex89"]JOSEPH FEGLEY 891 85TH TER FORT LAUDERDALE FL (954) 424-0628
one of those might be him. call the number listed.[/quotec0fc9f0bb9]
Number is blocked to incoming calls...
13-05-2005 11:17:27
Who knows what his publishers were? I know SC but what else?
13-05-2005 11:21:19
Let's not forget his signature

http/" alt=""/img123.echo.cx/img="123/2903/free11ha.png[" alt=""/img5e7e6bd4a5]
and the [url==http//wwwapps.ups.com/WebTracking/processInputRequest?HTMLVersion=5.0&sort_by=status&tracknums_displayed=5&TypeOfInquiryNumber=T&loc=en_US&InquiryNumber1=1Z3306W00367390124&InquiryNumber2=1Z3306W00374400117&InquiryNumber3=1Z3306W00375073676&InquiryNumber4=&InquiryNumber5=&AgreeToTermsAndConditions=yes&track.x=27&track.y=10]UPS tracking numbers[=http//wwwapps.ups.com/WebTracking/processInputRequest?HTMLVersion=5.0&sort_by=status&tracknums_displayed=5&TypeOfInquiryNumber=T&loc=en_US&InquiryNumber1=1Z3306W00367390124&InquiryNumber2=1Z3306W00374400117&InquiryNumber3=1Z3306W00375073676&InquiryNumber4=&InquiryNumber5=&AgreeToTermsAndConditions=yes&track.x=27&track.y=10]UPS tracking numbers[/url].
13-05-2005 11:22:39
Adprofile and clickbooth. He never posted metarewards offers, but he was trying to set up an account with them too.
13-05-2005 11:22:58
[quote2a25000691="Sebring"]Let's not forget his signature

http/" alt=""/img123.echo.cx/img="123/2903/free11ha.png[" alt=""/img2a25000691]
and the [url==http//wwwapps.ups.com/WebTracking/processInputRequest?HTMLVersion=5.0&sort_by=status&tracknums_displayed=5&TypeOfInquiryNumber=T&loc=en_US&InquiryNumber1=1Z3306W00367390124&InquiryNumber2=1Z3306W00374400117&InquiryNumber3=1Z3306W00375073676&InquiryNumber4=&InquiryNumber5=&AgreeToTermsAndConditions=yes&track.x=27&track.y=10]UPS tracking numbers[=http//wwwapps.ups.com/WebTracking/processInputRequest?HTMLVersion=5.0&sort_by=status&tracknums_displayed=5&TypeOfInquiryNumber=T&loc=en_US&InquiryNumber1=1Z3306W00367390124&InquiryNumber2=1Z3306W00374400117&InquiryNumber3=1Z3306W00375073676&InquiryNumber4=&InquiryNumber5=&AgreeToTermsAndConditions=yes&track.x=27&track.y=10]UPS tracking numbers[/url].[/quote2a25000691]
how true. That really helps, but I hear he moved recently...so those would most likely be wrong, right?
13-05-2005 11:25:28
Fegley, Joseph email==Josephfegley@mail.comJosephfegley@mail.com=Josephfegley@mail.comJosephfegley@mail.com/email
3640 W Hillsboro blvd apt. 206
Coconut Creek, FL 33073
754-234-2840 Fax 954-596-4989
13-05-2005 11:29:08
Valid e-mail addresses email==jregs1@gmail.comjregs1@gmail.com=jregs1@gmail.comjregs1@gmail.com/email, email==leokittie526@bellsouth.netleokittie526@bellsouth.net=leokittie526@bellsouth.netleokittie526@bellsouth.net/email, email==admin@importfurnituredirect.comadmin@importfurnituredirect.com=admin@importfurnituredirect.comadmin@importfurnituredirect.com/email
13-05-2005 12:03:53
[quote8e372d1176="Blink182=Gone"]how true. That really helps, but I hear he moved recently...so those would most likely be wrong, right?[/quote8e372d1176]The "move" could have been just another excuse to delay the unevitable. Who knows if he really moved ...
13-05-2005 12:05:27
Yeah it seems like he was just full of it...
13-05-2005 12:12:07
you can call local authorities to investigate his number and whatnot.. OR I could get you guys a background-check for $20
13-05-2005 12:13:16
[quote0c805ad06f="EatChex89"]you can call local authorities to investigate his number and whatnot.. OR I could get you guys a background-check for $20[/quote0c805ad06f]
What good would that do his TOS protected him and we just got pwned
13-05-2005 12:25:00

http//assoc.wanadoo.fr/kwik-e-simpsons/wallpapers/nelson-preview.gif[" alt=""/img35cfecf7c9]
13-05-2005 12:25:56
[quote191c1eb8ce="Stroid"][quote191c1eb8ce="EatChex89"]you can call local authorities to investigate his number and whatnot.. OR I could get you guys a background-check for $20[/quote191c1eb8ce]
What good would that do his TOS protected him and we just got pwned[/quote191c1eb8ce]
lisighli. and I had faith in him too...
13-05-2005 12:35:24
Who has his paypal e-mail? I think Epidemik does ... anyone else ? What sites besides OC and Gratis did he complete? Someone's gotta have his real info.
13-05-2005 13:54:26
I know I'd be finished with this site if credit would have been given out. 21 referrals, all trades done here or at refstop. I'm only slightly pissed right now. I'm kinda hoping he just shows up and proves us wrong. ?
13-05-2005 14:18:05
someone mess him up!!
13-05-2005 17:49:55
Has anyone reported him to clickbooth and adprofile yet?
Clickbooth contact info
Phone 941-925-1845
Address IntegraClick, Inc.
5919 Beneva rd.
Sarasota, FL 34238
13-05-2005 17:52:21
[quote0a4f8d7e41="Wolfeman"]Fegley, Joseph email==Josephfegley@mail.comJosephfegley@mail.com=Josephfegley@mail.comJosephfegley@mail.com/email
3640 W Hillsboro blvd apt. 206
Coconut Creek, FL 33073
754-234-2840 Fax 954-596-4989[/quote0a4f8d7e41]
ROFL. I called that phone number and some latino bitch yelled at me saying "This is not Joseph's phone number. I keep on telling you fucking people this all the time. Stop calling here!".
I was so scared!
13-05-2005 17:58:57
[quote41534a216d="flatline"][quote41534a216d="Wolfeman"]Fegley, Joseph email==Josephfegley@mail.comJosephfegley@mail.com=Josephfegley@mail.comJosephfegley@mail.com/email
3640 W Hillsboro blvd apt. 206
Coconut Creek, FL 33073
754-234-2840 Fax 954-596-4989[/quote41534a216d]
ROFL. I called that phone number and some latino bitch yelled at me saying "This is not Joseph's phone number. I keep on telling you fucking people this all the time. Stop calling here!".
I was so scared![/quote41534a216d]
hahahahahaha.. i should call it P
13-05-2005 18:00:07
[quote6c8d2e6884="EatChex89"][quote6c8d2e6884="flatline"][quote6c8d2e6884="Wolfeman"]Fegley, Joseph email==Josephfegley@mail.comJosephfegley@mail.com=Josephfegley@mail.comJosephfegley@mail.com/email
3640 W Hillsboro blvd apt. 206
Coconut Creek, FL 33073
754-234-2840 Fax 954-596-4989[/quote6c8d2e6884]
ROFL. I called that phone number and some latino bitch yelled at me saying "This is not Joseph's phone number. I keep on telling you fucking people this all the time. Stop calling here!".
I was so scared![/quote6c8d2e6884]
hahahahahaha.. i should call it P[/quote6c8d2e6884]
Please call and tear a strip into that latino bitch for yelling at me.
13-05-2005 18:02:06
[quote39a467db69="flatline"][quote39a467db69="EatChex89"][quote39a467db69="flatline"][quote39a467db69="Wolfeman"]Fegley, Joseph email==Josephfegley@mail.comJosephfegley@mail.com=Josephfegley@mail.comJosephfegley@mail.com/email
3640 W Hillsboro blvd apt. 206
Coconut Creek, FL 33073
754-234-2840 Fax 954-596-4989[/quote39a467db69]
ROFL. I called that phone number and some latino bitch yelled at me saying "This is not Joseph's phone number. I keep on telling you fucking people this all the time. Stop calling here!".
I was so scared![/quote39a467db69]
hahahahahaha.. i should call it P[/quote39a467db69]
Please call and tear a strip into that latino bitch for yelling at me.[/quote39a467db69]
aight. when i get a cellphone i will. im not putting long distance on my phone..
13-05-2005 18:03:43
EA tC hex89 754-234-2840 GA
My IP Relay
IP RELAY RO 1837M DIALING 754 234 2840 PLS HD
EA tC hex89 Hi, I'm looking for Joseph Fegley. GA
My IP Relay RING 1 2 3
My IP Relay (F) before u start this is not
My IP Relay joseph nbr (HUNG UP ANOTHER CALL QQ) GA
13-05-2005 18:09:24
Hey you guys, if that's not his number stop calling. She has nothing to do with it.
13-05-2005 18:10:28
[quotefaa48a7722="Retro"]Hey you guys, if that's not his number stop calling. She has nothing to do with it.[/quotefaa48a7722]Ditto.
13-05-2005 18:10:39
[quote7febfd9f83="Retro"]Hey you guys, if that's not his number stop calling. She has nothing to do with it.[/quote7febfd9f83]
yea. but its funny P
13-05-2005 18:11:33
might be his even though a lady is answering
13-05-2005 18:13:00
[quotea8e3190bfb="PoPoJiJo"]might be his even though a lady is answering[/quotea8e3190bfb]
tru dat..
he could've given it to her, and then when this all 'blows over' he'll take it back. who knows. I for one doubt that he even gave a legitamate number, and we're lucky that it even dials somewhere..
what if his mom is covering up for him? P
13-05-2005 18:14:09
[quote7af64cf4cc="EatChex89"][quote7af64cf4cc="Retro"]Hey you guys, if that's not his number stop calling. She has nothing to do with it.[/quote7af64cf4cc]
yea. but its funny P[/quote7af64cf4cc]
but it's rude. I know I hate when people have the wrong number and they keep on calling. She's probably yelling at people b/c so many people have been calling and it's annoying.
i just got my power book yesterday from sofa..
13-05-2005 18:18:39
[quote04377b8a5a="aguy"]i just got my power book yesterday from sofa..[/quote04377b8a5a]
Not funny dude.
13-05-2005 18:18:49
[quotee2af2317ca="aguy"]i just got my power book yesterday from sofa..[/quotee2af2317ca]
Thats not funny to toy with people...and if your not toying with people we need to see proof.
13-05-2005 18:19:54
[quotea53682110f="EatChex89"][quotea53682110f="PoPoJiJo"]might be his even though a lady is answering[/quotea53682110f]
tru dat..
he could've given it to her, and then when this all 'blows over' he'll take it back. who knows. I for one doubt that he even gave a legitamate number, and we're lucky that it even dials somewhere..
what if his mom is covering up for him? P[/quotea53682110f]
With that, you would have to assume that he new long before this started, that people would start calling him. So he vowed to never ever answer his phone and always have the lady answer his phone.
If I knew that random people from diff. area codes would be calling I just wouldn't answer. But she continues to answer...
[quote0c938a9d6b="flatline"][quote0c938a9d6b="aguy"]i just got my power book yesterday from sofa..[/quote0c938a9d6b]
Not funny dude.[/quote0c938a9d6b]
i found it funny
You all know you take the risk of losing many referalls when siging up for a site
13-05-2005 18:20:52
[quote95a6018ae6="Stroid"][quote95a6018ae6="aguy"]i just got my power book yesterday from sofa..[/quote95a6018ae6]
Thats not funny to toy with people...and if your not toying with people we need to see proof.[/quote95a6018ae6]
don't believe him stroidy. he has no proof. he's obviously toying with people.. i can tell that the "we need to see proof" is you thinking sofa is legit again.. obviously he isn't. Why would he leave his customers hanging? If he was truly who we thought he was, he would at least leave us a notice... but obviously he isn't, which I myself am very sad to admit, since sofa was a fairly good friend of mine.. but obviously not anymore.
I called
that lady is PMSing
13-05-2005 18:23:00
yeah i feel totaly betrayed i even had several succesful trades with him and everything sucks to see this happen
[quotec0dc72e5a1="Stroid"]yeah i feel totaly betrayed i even had several succesful trades with him and everything sucks to see this happen[/quotec0dc72e5a1]
you need a hug
13-05-2005 18:25:40
[quote3268aba9e4="aguy"][quote3268aba9e4="Stroid"]yeah i feel totaly betrayed i even had several succesful trades with him and everything sucks to see this happen[/quote3268aba9e4]
you need a hug[/quote3268aba9e4]
ROFL yes please i need a hug lol
13-05-2005 18:27:51
Sofa was legit in my eyes, but this has changed my mind. Dunno what went wrong, he was always a great trader and best of all a really nice guy to deal with. Oh well (.
13-05-2005 18:29:11
[quote1206e681a9="Stroid"][quote1206e681a9="aguy"][quote1206e681a9="Stroid"]yeah i feel totaly betrayed i even had several succesful trades with him and everything sucks to see this happen[/quote1206e681a9]
you need a hug[/quote1206e681a9]
ROFL yes please i need a hug lol[/quote1206e681a9]
13-05-2005 18:39:34
I smell cock, did you burp?
No? You must have farted.
13-05-2005 18:41:29
[quote2a43991eba="flatline"]I smell cock, did you burp?
No? You must have farted.[/quote2a43991eba]
hahahahahahahahahaha flatline. lol
13-05-2005 18:46:25
Joseph D Fegley
3640 West Hillsboro Blvd. Apt. # 206
Coconut Creek, FL 33073
954) 596-4989 – Home phone / Fax
[i6c1343c7bc][b6c1343c7bc](954) 554-9930 – Cellular phone[/b6c1343c7bc][/i6c1343c7bc]<---------Did anyone allready post this #??? Trying him on his cell )
13-05-2005 18:51:21
[quotee61e39780d="slowdown"]Joseph D Fegley
3640 West Hillsboro Blvd. Apt. # 206
Coconut Creek, FL 33073
954) 596-4989 – Home phone / Fax
[ie61e39780d][be61e39780d](954) 554-9930 – Cellular phone[/be61e39780d][/ie61e39780d]<---------Did anyone allready post this #??? Trying him on his cell )[/quotee61e39780d]
My IP Relay .
Please hold for the next available operator.
EA tC hex89 954-554-9930 GA
My IP Relay
IP RELAY RO 9056F DIALING 954 554 9930 PLS HD
My IP Relay (RECORDING) (M) the subscriber
My IP Relay u have dialed is not in svc if u
My IP Relay feel u dialed this nbr in error
My IP Relay pls check the nbr hang up and
My IP Relay try ur call again later (sounds professional)
EA tC hex89 end call
13-05-2005 18:54:46
[quote445db5fefb="EatChex89"][quote445db5fefb="slowdown"]Joseph D Fegley
3640 West Hillsboro Blvd. Apt. # 206
Coconut Creek, FL 33073
954) 596-4989 – Home phone / Fax
[i445db5fefb][b445db5fefb](954) 554-9930 – Cellular phone[/b445db5fefb][/i445db5fefb]<---------Did anyone allready post this #??? Trying him on his cell )[/quote445db5fefb]
My IP Relay .
Please hold for the next available operator.
EA tC hex89 954-554-9930 GA
My IP Relay
IP RELAY RO 9056F DIALING 954 554 9930 PLS HD
My IP Relay (RECORDING) (M) the subscriber
My IP Relay u have dialed is not in svc if u
My IP Relay feel u dialed this nbr in error
My IP Relay pls check the nbr hang up and
My IP Relay try ur call again later (sounds professional)
EA tC hex89 end call[/quote445db5fefb]
oh well ?
A quote fro his resume, i really like that last part.
My goal is to join a stable company where I may implement and expand my strong creative, analytical and technical skills. I aim to contribute to the efficient operation of a firm and earn advancement through on-the-job performance. I am a logical thinker with the technical know-how to apply my ideas quickly and effectively. [i445db5fefb][b445db5fefb]I possess a very strong work ethic[/b445db5fefb][/i445db5fefb], and will be a valuable member to any team
13-05-2005 19:03:54
Where'd you get his resume from?
13-05-2005 19:12:46
and i quote
[quote023425445d="flatline"]Where'd you get his resume from?[/quote023425445d]
13-05-2005 19:13:35
Ya'll are some freakin dectives for real!
13-05-2005 19:15:15
[b0c7a2f5dcb]http//www.JFegley.com http//www.importfurnituredirect.com/jfegley/[/b0c7a2f5dcb][/size0c7a2f5dcb]
Joseph D Fegley
3640 West Hillsboro Blvd. Apt. # 206
Coconut Creek, FL 33073
(954) 596-4989 – Home phone / Fax
(954) 554-9930 – Cellular phone
email==Joseph@JFegley.comJoseph@JFegley.com=Joseph@JFegley.comJoseph@JFegley.com/email – Email Address
My goal is to join a stable company where I may implement and expand my strong creative, analytical and technical skills. I aim to contribute to the efficient operation of a firm and earn advancement through on-the-job performance. I am a logical thinker with the technical know-how to apply my ideas quickly and effectively. I possess a very strong work ethic, and will be a valuable member to any team.
I am experienced with PC and Network setup and installation, as well as various peripherals, data entry, and file updating. I also possess a basic knowledge of both Web management and design. I have a great deal of experience with MS-DOS, Microsoft Windows 98, NT, 2000, XP, and Server; Microsoft Office, including Word, Excel, Access, PowerPoint, and Outlook. I am knowledgeable with Macromedia Dreamweaver and Fireworks, Adobe Photoshop and ImageReady, and various other development tools. In addition, I have experience in system-operations training and customer service.
Personal Computer Consultant, Dade / Broward / Palm Beach, FL
1995 - Present
PC Consultant/Technician
¨ Built custom computer systems from the system board up, both hardware and software - OS and applications. Also performed all types of upgrades to existing computers.
¨ Handled both telephone and on-site support for customers including any troubleshooting, repairs or general maintenance on their hardware or software.
Import Furniture Direct, Hollywood, FL
10/2002 - 9/2004
¨ Responsible for creating and maintaining all aspects of company website including email and FTP accounts and password management.
¨ Handled design and distribution of all marketing and promotional materials from HTML-format online auctions to professionally printed brochures, which resulted in a 50% increase in total sales.
¨ Carried out all inventory management and asset control duties and simplified them by creating a custom database which saved 5 hours a week over the previous system of hand written records.
¨ Built and maintained custom MS Access database to store all aspects of customer orders, streamlining the order entry process.
¨ Developed reports to be generated by the database for tracking sales, expenses, and to produce customer invoices automatically with all of the necessary information.
¨ Processed all forms of documentation into digital format and developed organization system.
Lorien Technologies, Sunrise, FL
3/2001 - 8/2002
Lead Processing Supervisor
¨ Worked with standard and custom software to develop a build process for each new client’s individual requests.
¨ Thoroughly documented each process so the customer could easily review the steps needed to meet the specified requirements.
¨ Delegated responsibilities for carrying out each process among a team of twenty data entry and processing specialists, and prioritized them based on time and importance.
¨ Created Excel spreadsheets to track work load and accounts receivable. This turned out to be a crucial step in better determining time requirements for each job.
¨ Used Microsoft Access to create databases which kept track of file location on server, and current job status. This led to increased performance in processing as well as in data entry.
¨ Made travel plans for management team and handled various other administrative duties such as answering telephones, sending faxes, typing letters, etc…
EMPLOYMENT (continued)
Synergistic Office Solutions, Davie, FL
6/1999 - 3/2001
Customer Support
¨ Provided phone, email, and live chat support to numerous large companies as well as end users. This support helped give us a 98% customer satisfaction ratio.
¨ Purchased and built computer systems for both general office use, and for clients to run the company’s software.
South Plantation High School, Plantation, FL
1994 - 1998
Courses included honors and AP levels, with a few elective computer classes.
Florida Atlantic University, Boca Raton, FL
2004 - Present
Major Computer Engineering
I have been attending class part time. My school schedule is flexible and will be based around my work schedule.
¨ Configuring and troubleshooting networks based on the Microsoft Windows 98, 2000, and XP operating system.
¨ Installation, configuring and troubleshooting a network.
¨ Implementing and troubleshooting a Windows 98, 2000, or XP Server.
¨ Hands on installation and configuration of various operating systems.
¨ Installation, managing, monitoring, configuring and troubleshooting DNS, DHCP server, remote access, network protocols, IP routing, and WINS within a Windows 2000 or XP infrastructure.
¨ Managing and administering Network Address Translation and Certificate services.
¨ Administering, supporting and troubleshooting an information services network in a Windows 98, 2000, or XP environment.
Desktop and LAN
¨ Administering small LANs with Windows 95, 98, NT, 2000, XP, and DOS.
¨ Installing SCSI devices and drivers, printers, tape backups and software, CD-ROM drives, hard drives, sound and video cards, network cards, modems, and PCMCIA cards.
¨ Installation of NT Server network from the ground up on several small networks.
¨ Assigning group and individual permissions on both network level and file level.
¨ Setup network shares for client access.
¨ Building computer systems from custom ordered parts, both hardware and software - OS and Applications.
Web Maintenance and Design
¨ Configure public and private FTP accounts and manage access to FTP site.
¨ Design an interface and navigational system for a workable Website.
¨ Handling Off-Site Web hosting and managing any DNS changes.
¨ Manage Web mail accounts and passwords.
¨ Manage user and group permissions and access control.
13-05-2005 19:34:44
Sweet, but both phone numbers are disconnected. Smart guy ...
15-05-2005 16:16:01
What a bastard... honestly....
15-05-2005 16:19:01
15-05-2005 16:22:16
I'm for sure reporting him to anything I can...
15-05-2005 16:25:09
Wolfeman i love your avatar. 9pm!
15-05-2005 21:00:26
ha! to further your number search maybe you can use this?
17-05-2005 13:36:17
Maybe I'm

http//www.freeipodguide.com/phpBB2/smilies_mod/upload/372a22cc4e43771b655d46c70c35187f.gif[" alt=""/img883eeaddf5] but, any new news?