New site,

Live forum:


01-05-2005 12:37:56

We at Webhandouts are proud to announce the launch of our new site, http//

At the moment we are offering a special promotion, the first 1000 people to sign up will be placed in a raffle for $5,000. We also offer the lowest referral requirement available today.

Please, give us a look, and leave any feedback, positive or negative, in this topic. Alternatively, you may contact us at, or through our live chat located on our site.

We would like to improve our site in any way we can, if needed. Your help would be greatly appreciated.


01-05-2005 12:38:54

sounds nice!!


01-05-2005 12:40:31

Seems a little too good to be true


01-05-2005 12:40:34

are you gonna b putting any more offers theres only 3


01-05-2005 12:42:47

No, we are not to good to be true D The offers we have on our site do cost a little money, though. That is how we are able to provide such low referral requirements.

We plan on bringing in more offers withen the next week or so.


01-05-2005 12:43:40

ok great!!


01-05-2005 12:44:15

How can they offer $250 for 2 referrals? Is this a late April fools joke or something?


01-05-2005 12:59:44

[quote74935651a4="lakersin2025"]How can they offer $250 for 2 referrals? Is this a late April fools joke or something?[/quote74935651a4]
liReads postli


01-05-2005 13:01:30

I will just bite my lip for now.

[quote08ae986b75]2 Months Later TOOOLLDD YOOUUU SOOOOO[/quote08ae986b75]


01-05-2005 13:06:04

are you gonna be addin like appera or anything like that?


01-05-2005 13:07:46

We get around $100 per lead to each the advertisers. This allows us to send you $250 for two referrals. The tradeoff is that our offers all cost money.

We will not be able to add any free trial offers, without raising the referral requirements significantly.


01-05-2005 13:16:17

can you list the offers?


01-05-2005 13:19:55

We have 3 offers at the moment,
PowWeb Hosting,
StartLogic Hosting,

We do plan on providing more offers in the near future.


01-05-2005 13:23:10

so how much does it cost to do these offers?


01-05-2005 13:36:56

like 8 bucks amonth each


01-05-2005 13:44:05

and they encourage you to stay for at least a month or youll get flagged or something


01-05-2005 13:50:08

ya forgot that


01-05-2005 14:55:12

[quote9c574a7937="dudeextrem2000"]like 8 bucks amonth each[/quote9c574a7937]

Yeah, and you have to pay FULL 2 years term - so they will charge you more than $100.

This website and offers are good but for people that it's looking for webhosting for a company or something like that - if you are looking to get money - then this is not for you.


01-05-2005 14:59:34

lol what a joke. Someone makes these "free" sites every week.


01-05-2005 15:07:56

This site is a scam and a half. I give it a week before nobody gives a shit about it. I know I stopped caring about 10 seconds into the post. No introduction, no welcome, no friendly disposition, just a flat out advertisement. Shawn at least has been kind enough to answer questions and write in full paragraphs. This site is a joke and so is the admin, I want no part. You know if you get 20 people to sign up, you've already made $2000. Quick money, go elsewhere with your bullshit.

My harsh two cents.

P.S. Go ahead.. knock my karma down for stating my opinion. I know its coming, along with a verbal assault by 45% of you guys. But honestly, how many of these sites are we going to get scammed by before we learn? Gustonetwork has a fully supportive team that at least gives us information, I deem it legit. This site is a joke!


01-05-2005 19:59:50

[quote6efac049fc="clearestchannel40"]P.S. Go ahead.. knock my karma down for stating my opinion. I know its coming, along with a verbal assault by 45% of you guys. But honestly, how many of these sites are we going to get scammed by before we learn? Gustonetwork has a fully supportive team that at least gives us information, I deem it legit. This site is a joke![/quote6efac049fc]

you motherli/?'& im gonna give you minus li/?'$# karma every fucli&^ hour of every ".,?(@ day.


you think you can come on here and state your OWN fucli&^ opinion??! nuh uh.

this isnt a republic sonny, this is a fuc(&# democracy.......kinda.

im being facetious btw incase you couldnt tell. D


01-05-2005 20:11:38

What's with the referral requirements? You get $250 for two referrals, and $1000 for 10 referrals. Thats $125 and $100 per referral, but shouldn't the amount go up as the referral requirement increases?


01-05-2005 20:12:53

you would think so wouldnt you?


01-05-2005 20:36:44

Clearestchannel40, I'm sorry you feel this way. However, we are not a scam. Since we are new, and we have not sent out any gifts yet, I can see where you are coming from. Just wait a few days until someone completes their requirements and receives their payment, and you will see that we are legitimate. And we do have a great support system, with a live chat program implemented into our site which costs us over $100 a month to maintain.

I will not knock down your karma, forums are places where people can express their opinions.

And cartenroy, you are able to purchase hosting plans by the month.


01-05-2005 20:39:38

[quote42d7070269="Webhandouts"]Clearestchannel40, I'm sorry you feel this way. However, we are not a scam. Since we are new, and we have not sent out any gifts yet, I can see where you are coming from. Just wait a few days until someone completes their requirements and receives their payment, and you will see that we are legitimate. And we do have a great support system, with a live chat program implemented into our site which costs us over $100 a month to maintain.

I will not knock down your karma, forums are places where people can express their opinions.

And cartenroy, you are able to purchase hosting plans by the month.[/quote42d7070269]

Thats it. I am going to do your site. I am going to make sure that this site is precise and I will give a VERY detailed transcript of my experiences.

Thank You


01-05-2005 20:40:02

so theoretically it could cost us $16 and we could get $250 back?


01-05-2005 20:53:22

Unfortunately it would not cost you $16. If you choose to pay monthly, they will charge you a $15 setup fee, plus the $13 for that month. (This example is using Startlogic) We feel that this is a nice tradeoff for the extra referrals, which could end up costing you much more than the price of the offer, if you pay for your referrals.


02-05-2005 04:01:57

im not interested in web hosting at the time are you gonna put anything except them that still pay out alot?


02-05-2005 19:45:38

At the moment it looks like we will be sticking with web hosting offers, although this might change.


02-05-2005 19:53:43

[quoteeeb63badec="Webhandouts"]Unfortunately it would not cost you $16. If you choose to pay monthly, they will charge you a $15 setup fee, plus the $13 for that month. (This example is using Startlogic) We feel that this is a nice tradeoff for the extra referrals, which could end up costing you much more than the price of the offer, if you pay for your referrals.[/quoteeeb63badec]

So, total will be $28 - then you cancel and you got green, and your referrals can do the same - and you are done, you send me $250?


03-05-2005 06:24:59

Cartenroy, you are advised not to cancel. Since our advertisers are paying us such a high amount of money, they usually revoke credit if a user cancels withen the 30 days.