my daily dose....

Live forum:


27-04-2005 18:16:37

Is this a good offer to do on mp3players4free? also, do you have to send the pills back, and how long does it usually take to credit? thanx!


27-04-2005 18:18:20

NOT AT ALL A GOOD OFFER. About 1 in 3 or 5 gets credit.


27-04-2005 18:41:54

then whats the best offer to do on this site?


27-04-2005 19:14:29

blockbuster is always a good one, video prof is usually fast too


27-04-2005 19:15:34

yeah stay away from all urban nutrition offers - my daily dose, feel serenity, petchews, miracleburn, etc. They suck at giving credit.

I did the Ultraslim Patch on mp3players and got credit in a few days.


27-04-2005 19:16:38

hydroderm and lifederma are good too


27-04-2005 19:28:00

i oredred that daily dose stuff garbage.... never credited though


27-04-2005 19:44:01

how long do hydroderm and lifederma take to credit? also, how much do they cost and do you have to mail anything back? thanx!


27-04-2005 19:47:58

I did UltraSlim Patch on FlatScreens4Free. However, my CC thought it was suspicious and initially denied it (even though I got an initial email saying I signed up). I called up my CC, explained it, then called the Patches #. They sent it through. Of course they could not tell me anything about my "crediting" for the site I came from. Do you all think it will go through? Should I contact someone? It was for a trade so I'm a bit worried...


27-04-2005 19:48:12

You don't have to return lifederma, but i'm pretty sure that you have to return hydroderm.


27-04-2005 19:49:47

how long does lifederma take to credit?


27-04-2005 20:50:18

lifederma took 2-3 days for me, but not on an OC site


27-04-2005 21:37:05

Stay the hell away from any Urban Nutrition offer, Urban Nutrition can suck my balls. They don't give credit.


27-04-2005 22:00:31

They give credit, just not with regularity. I've received credit for all Urban Nutrition offers I've done, about half of them I had to pursue though.


29-04-2005 19:02:36

which offers are the urban nutrician offers?


29-04-2005 19:25:57

TrimLife it's another good one


29-04-2005 19:26:58

[quote562847bba1="cwncool"]which offers are the urban nutrician offers?[/quote562847bba1]

[b562847bba1]My DailyDose


and I think that there is another one


29-04-2005 20:37:01

do you have to send trimlife back and how long does it take to credit?


29-04-2005 21:53:30

[quote8256ff94e2="cwncool"]do you have to send trimlife back and how long does it take to credit?[/quote8256ff94e2]

No, hydroderm is the one you send back. TrimLife it's a great offer. It takes less than 1 day to get credit for it.

Miracle Burn it's another one form Urban Nutrition