22-04-2005 14:57:35
21 days from now, to be precise. Saturday May 14th. Some of you knew this already but some did not. I have some extra energy now and I had to vent it. AHHHHH! Yeah. I'm so excited. And yet it all seems so surreal to me. Never in my wildest dreams did I expect to be this happy, to love such a wonderful man and have him love me just as much. And at this age!
The sad thing is that i'm posting this here and not on some wedding website. I do frequent one or two, but mainly only for ideas and tips. But hey this is the off-topic section, and I post more on here than any other forum I go to! o
After spending two days in our local honeymoon suite (complete with jacuzzi) we're flying to the island of Cozumel, Mexico for two weeks! D D D Gosh I can't wait. Then coming back to our new home together! (i'm already moved in).
/me ends her rambling
Edit Oh and btw this is post # 500 for me!

http//www.freeipodguide.com/phpBB2/smilies_mod/upload/9c139e8622efd90b8759eeb856215ab2.gif[" alt=""/imgedb611eb78]
22-04-2005 15:01:51
congrats on the future marraige
22-04-2005 15:05:57
That's so sweet my tooth hurts. Hey, maybe Gratis will ship the PSP by then and you will get a wedding present.
22-04-2005 15:38:21

http//www.freeipodguide.com/phpBB2/smilies_mod/upload/b54322a073cb529ad8a5d92070da57b5.gif[" alt=""/img3cc53e99d0]
Congrats Godrock. Hope you have a good wedding.
22-04-2005 16:05:20

http//www.freeipodguide.com/phpBB2/smilies_mod/upload/b54322a073cb529ad8a5d92070da57b5.gif[" alt=""/img45a007907d]
Congrats Godrock. Hope you have a good wedding.[/quote45a007907d]
lol, i hope you have fun on your wedding day!
22-04-2005 16:08:45
the below is OFF TOPIC (halfway)

http/" alt=""/img164.exs.cx/img="164/7827/offtopic8mg.gif[" alt=""/imgae49e1ebe9]
so i have a question
will you be excited to have sex?? it seems (to me) that guys want the sex more than the ladies..
22-04-2005 16:11:52
the below is OFF TOPIC (halfway)

http/" alt=""/img164.exs.cx/img="164/7827/offtopic8mg.gif[" alt=""/img5d944f8f1b]
so i have a question
will you be excited to have sex?? it seems (to me) that guys want the sex more than the ladies..[/quote5d944f8f1b]
Of course I am D We've both been waiting till marriage, so it's going to be a fun wedding night [img="5d944f8f1b]http//www.freeipodguide.com/phpBB2/smilies_mod/upload/9a55279639a80134f8fc102e3905dd73.gif[" alt=""/img5d944f8f1b]
22-04-2005 16:11:55
Do you have a full body shot?
22-04-2005 16:13:31
the below is OFF TOPIC (halfway)

http/" alt=""/img164.exs.cx/img="164/7827/offtopic8mg.gif[" alt=""/img03aee52ec3]
so i have a question
will you be excited to have sex?? it seems (to me) that guys want the sex more than the ladies..[/quote03aee52ec3]
Of course I am D We've both been waiting till marriage, so it's going to be a fun wedding night [img="03aee52ec3]http//www.freeipodguide.com/phpBB2/smilies_mod/upload/9a55279639a80134f8fc102e3905dd73.gif[" alt=""/img03aee52ec3][/quote03aee52ec3]
so you aren't nervous at all??
22-04-2005 16:15:04
[quotefbdcfc7f31="josiemcd"]Do you have a full body shot?

http//www.freeipodguide.com/phpBB2/smilies_mod/upload/0d591e5c594eb5cf76257b921406e62e.gif[" alt=""/imgfbdcfc7f31]
22-04-2005 16:15:26
the below is OFF TOPIC (halfway)

http/" alt=""/img164.exs.cx/img="164/7827/offtopic8mg.gif[" alt=""/imgefd253c07b]
so i have a question
will you be excited to have sex?? it seems (to me) that guys want the sex more than the ladies..[/quoteefd253c07b]
Of course I am D We've both been waiting till marriage, so it's going to be a fun wedding night [img="efd253c07b]http//www.freeipodguide.com/phpBB2/smilies_mod/upload/9a55279639a80134f8fc102e3905dd73.gif[" alt=""/imgefd253c07b][/quoteefd253c07b]
so you aren't nervous at all??[/quoteefd253c07b]
Oh heck no wink
22-04-2005 16:19:09
u haven't DONE it yet!!?

http//www.freeipodguide.com/phpBB2/smilies_mod/upload/9a55279639a80134f8fc102e3905dd73.gif[" alt=""/img7b52b33565]
22-04-2005 16:24:42
[quote33be35ea4f="Archon810"]u haven't DONE it yet!!?

http//www.freeipodguide.com/phpBB2/smilies_mod/upload/9a55279639a80134f8fc102e3905dd73.gif[" alt=""/img33be35ea4f][/quote33be35ea4f]
[img="33be35ea4f]http//www.freeipodguide.com/phpBB2/smilies_mod/upload/2de0637feae3f61415b54ead3674c36e.gif[" alt=""/img33be35ea4f] Is that a problem?!
22-04-2005 16:27:18
lol half the seniors at my high school are on birth control
i think its beyond awesome that you waited. i dunno about me yet (havent yet...hope that i can wait but i dunno).
peer pressure is insane
22-04-2005 16:28:38
[quotef3ddefd910="Godrockdj"][quotef3ddefd910="Archon810"]u haven't DONE it yet!!?

http//www.freeipodguide.com/phpBB2/smilies_mod/upload/9a55279639a80134f8fc102e3905dd73.gif[" alt=""/imgf3ddefd910][/quotef3ddefd910]
[img="f3ddefd910]http//www.freeipodguide.com/phpBB2/smilies_mod/upload/2de0637feae3f61415b54ead3674c36e.gif[" alt=""/imgf3ddefd910] Is that a problem?![/quotef3ddefd910]
same here. im waiting for marriage as well.. it'll be more fun that way!
22-04-2005 16:39:20
I'm not waiting tell marriage

http//www.freeipodguide.com/phpBB2/smilies_mod/upload/a5647e209cb9e409312b460e38c24676.gif[" alt=""/img714687b42c]
22-04-2005 16:41:05
[quote455d8a0f1b="Collateral"]I'm not waiting tell marriage

http//www.freeipodguide.com/phpBB2/smilies_mod/upload/a5647e209cb9e409312b460e38c24676.gif[" alt=""/img455d8a0f1b][/quote455d8a0f1b]
hell no! i'm with u on that one P
22-04-2005 16:44:17
congrats, need help with the wedding? go to weddings4free.com, only 5- refs! and a bonus ring lol jk,
but im happy 4u
22-04-2005 17:04:40
congrats Enjoy your honeymoon
22-04-2005 22:09:47
[quotef599503810="EatChex89"]same here. im waiting for marriage as well.. it'll be more fun that way![/quotef599503810]
Not that I disagree with people that wait until marriage but I've always felt that sex and being intimate on a physical level is a part of a relationship that is too important to guess on. I understand that there are theological reasonings behind wanting to wait and all. But marrying someone without first experiencing sex with them seems like it could lead to all sorts of problems later on in the relationship. What if you and your partner have different levels of sexual desires, what if you're incompatible sexually? I understand that as a loving couple you'd hope to be working through issues like that, but unless I'm just an ass which is definitely possible, I've stopped dating girls because I didn't feel compatible with them in bed.
Maybe I just put more importance on the physical aspect of a relationship? I'm just curious to see how the "other side" thinks.
Bryan twisted
EDIT Crap, my fault. Congratulations on your wedding by the way. I do wish you the best. And I think we are all still waiting for the full body shot. 8)
22-04-2005 22:10:52
Im throwing you a Forum Bachlorette party...with special guest!

http//www.rebecky.com/images/sexyfireman.jpg[" alt=""/imgc7744e7b86]
Congrats...good luck
22-04-2005 22:14:18
True, what if the guy can't get it up for you? Or what if the girl has a third nipple and it creeps you out? Think of all the scary possibilities.
But good luck with the wedding! Don't let me scare you!
23-04-2005 00:05:42
oh man, its going to be so painful and messy. Good luck and congrats. Maybe your marriage will last because youre religious n stuff.
23-04-2005 00:18:54
[quote405945fe0a="darkdnb"]oh man, its going to be so painful and messy. Good luck and congrats. Maybe your marriage will last because youre religious n stuff.[/quote405945fe0a]
Yep. Make sure you leave the maid a good tip.
23-04-2005 09:25:21
[quote0cf70b6ee1="nicd.01"][quote0cf70b6ee1="darkdnb"]oh man, its going to be so painful and messy. Good luck and congrats. Maybe your marriage will last because youre religious n stuff.[/quote0cf70b6ee1]
Yep. Make sure you leave the maid a good tip.[/quote0cf70b6ee1]
23-04-2005 09:29:50
[quote16c219ff33="nicd.01"][quote16c219ff33="darkdnb"]oh man, its going to be so painful and messy. Good luck and congrats. Maybe your marriage will last because youre religious n stuff.[/quote16c219ff33]
Yep. Make sure you leave the maid a good tip.[/quote16c219ff33]
23-04-2005 09:43:33
[quotef575fc4580="Bryan"][quotef575fc4580="EatChex89"]same here. im waiting for marriage as well.. it'll be more fun that way![/quotef575fc4580]
Not that I disagree with people that wait until marriage but I've always felt that sex and being intimate on a physical level is a part of a relationship that is too important to guess on. I understand that there are theological reasonings behind wanting to wait and all. But marrying someone without first experiencing sex with them seems like it could lead to all sorts of problems later on in the relationship. What if you and your partner have different levels of sexual desires, what if you're incompatible sexually? I understand that as a loving couple you'd hope to be working through issues like that, but unless I'm just an ass which is definitely possible, I've stopped dating girls because I didn't feel compatible with them in bed.
Maybe I just put more importance on the physical aspect of a relationship? I'm just curious to see how the "other side" thinks.
Bryan twisted
EDIT Crap, my fault. Congratulations on your wedding by the way. I do wish you the best. And I think we are all still waiting for the full body shot. 8)[/quotef575fc4580]
[bf575fc4580]A.[/bf575fc4580] The guy in that pic is nasty. Thanks for the effort though
[bf575fc4580]B.[/bf575fc4580] There will be no postings of full body shots

http//www.freeipodguide.com/phpBB2/smilies_mod/upload/99c0d46ecc4aa03423e817982be31304.gif[" alt=""/imgf575fc4580]
[bf575fc4580]C.[/bf575fc4580] As far as the sexual compatability thing - That is a valid question. However, just because we're not actively having sex does not mean we have not fully discussed the topic - we have! It's actually a standard part of our church's pre-marital counseling to discuss the sexual aspect of the relationship. What you want, what you're interested in, what you're looking for the partner to do. It may seem odd but it's actually very refreshing to discuss it all in that light. And so that way, my fiance and I fully know what we are looking to do and have the other do. And, ahm, we've also talked about it quite a bit outside of there by ourselves lol We are by no way "prudes", in fact my fiance and I are both physically affectionate people. We're /that/ couple that always grosses everyone out by hugging, kissing, etc. It's just our way )
And like any couple we will simply take time and much practice to learn how to fully please each other in that manner. If we're not completely "compatible" by some definition, we will be soon enough o