I'm a scammer?

Live forum: http://forum.freeipodguide.com/viewtopic.php?t=12164


20-04-2005 08:58:18

I just opened a PM (from a couple of weeks ago) saying I was a scammer, and that someone wouldn't trade with me. I've been AFK for about two weeks, and am trying to tie up some lose ends with some people in PM's. There are three people who are currently pending trades with me who have yellows from me, when they should be green (signed-up for offers for them, but they haven't gotten credit)


^^ These three people have exhibited awesome amounts of patience and should be commended for being so easy to work with ^^

If anyone wants to call me a scammer, it should be the above people because they have been patiently waiting for my stuff to turn green. I think it's reasonable to assume that

a. people have lives
b. just because someone signs-up for an offer, doesn't necessarily mean they will get credit the first or even the second time they do an offer - this requires patience

If you have unfinished business with me (IF I OWE YOU A GREEN) please PM me.

PLEASE REMEMBER THAT I WILL NOT CONTACT YOU ON AIM TO DO TRADES. I just came back today and saw a post stating that some lamer is contacting people on AIM pretending to be me. I'm not going to contact you on AIM and IF I do, please ask me to send you a PM on the forums to VERIFY IT IS ME.

If a post has been made about me being a scammer, can someone please link me so I can make sure that I'm not forgetting anyone I had an agreement with?

Bottom line - shit happens! And if I have wronged you (Crono, SouthPark, Bobo), it hasn't been intentional and I apologize for the inconvenience.


20-04-2005 09:10:53

It took a bit, but I completed a trade with Scarlett. She is a legit trader, and very patient!


20-04-2005 09:12:44

Thanks Godrockdj. I certainly accept responsibility for being AFK for a while, but I have no control over what turns green and when it turns green when I do an offer - believe me, I wish I did! )


27-04-2005 19:51:32

Yea, I understand it can take awhile. It's okay. I'm starting to become a little impatient since psps have started shipping, but i understand that you might not get credit the 1st, 2nd, or 3rd time even. I have one other person that refuses to green for me on freepsps, and that's JoyKitty who seems to be offline, and hasn't been around for quite sometime. I really hope that joykitty comes back, so that we can resolve this.... at least scarlett has contacted me.. and explained... but joykitty i haven't heard from in quite some time.. (


28-04-2005 01:23:07

Hey add one to that list please. No really.. Ive been waiting for about 2 months and havent been threatening at all.


29-04-2005 08:12:54

yeaaaa...i've been patient but i'm waiting for greens from 2 people with high trade records for probably a month now....