19-04-2005 19:08:02
Don't do trades on AIM unless they PM you first. This guy didn't trick me but he could have tricked other people who aren't aware of these scammers.
STROlD02 Hey.
STROlD02 You're from right?
MajinBuuu 212 hey
MajinBuuu 212 yeah
STROlD02 I read your thread.
MajinBuuu 212 which one
STROlD02 The one about the video professor.
MajinBuuu 212 don't remember it
MajinBuuu 212 lol
STROlD02 Lol.
STROlD02 Are there any sites I can do for you?
MajinBuuu 212 yeah freephotoipods
MajinBuuu 212 you wanna do a trade?
STROlD02 Yes, if you can do
MajinBuuu 212 ok whats your ref link
MajinBuuu 212 and whats your username on the forums
STROlD02 http//
STROlD02 Stroid
STROlD02 I'm the moderator, lol if you haven't noticed.
STROlD02 What is your link?
MajinBuuu 212 http//
MajinBuuu 212 but if your a mod then you should be following the rules. i remember this one mod getting on my ass about trying to get people to contact me on aim. arent we suppose to do this by PMs?
MajinBuuu 212 are you really a mod
MajinBuuu 212 or bs
STROlD02 Yes I am.
STROlD02 What are you accusing me of?
MajinBuuu 212 nothing i just thought that mods were strict with the rules and shit
MajinBuuu 212 alright nvm then lol
MajinBuuu 212 imma do yours right now
STROlD02 Ahh it's just some.
STROlD02 Like vulcan
STROlD02 He's a stickler, lol.
STROlD02 Shh don't tell him.
MajinBuuu 212 heh
MajinBuuu 212 alright when you do mine could you do either... video prof, efax, appera, free bidding, stamps, or literary guide
MajinBuuu 212 those are the fastest ones
STROlD02 I'll do appera
MajinBuuu 212 k
STROlD02 Stamps is iffy, or so I've read
MajinBuuu 212 o
MajinBuuu 212 damn
MajinBuuu 212 alright
STROlD02 lol
STROlD02 brb for like 20 min okay?
STROlD02 i have to eat dinner
MajinBuuu 212 k
See now what he's expecting me to do is sign up for his during the time that he's "eating dinner" lol
19-04-2005 19:16:45
This guy is such a prick and he is still on the forum be careful
19-04-2005 19:25:12
i'd take it as a compliment
19-04-2005 19:26:15
here is the convo i just had with him
(221036) Stroid you fucker
(221045) STROlD02 ?
(221054) Stroid i thought i told you to quit using my name
(221118) Stroid or are u just gonna sign off now
(221125) STROlD02 ?
(221130) STROlD02 What are you talking about.
(221143) Stroid dont bs me
(221216) Stroid your profile I <3 Free Stuff )
(221225) Stroid your still acting like you are me
(221348) Stroid no response ass wipe
(221356) STROlD02 lol
(221359) STROlD02 boo on u
(221401) STROlD02 calm down
(221404) STROlD02 geez
(221419) Stroid dude you try to scam people using me name that pisses me the hell off
(221434) STROlD02 why
(221437) STROlD02 it doesnt harm anyone
(221445) Stroid yeah it does the people you scam
(221511) Stroid and my name is being used so essentially you are putting a negative image on my name which reflects onme
(221515) Stroid on me
(221528) STROlD02 well they eventually fiind out
(221529) STROlD02 its me
(221534) STROlD02 so then
(221539) STROlD02 nothing happens to u!
(221607) Stroid yes they find out its you but it still not right
(221621) Stroid why cant you scam another way
(221630) Stroid or better yet dont scam at all
(221633) Stroid thats a thought
(221653) STROlD02 well
(221816) Stroid well what
(221824) STROlD02 ahh oops
(221829) STROlD02 well
(221830) STROlD02 i mean
(221832) STROlD02 i only need 3
(221835) STROlD02 referrals
(221836) Stroid let me guess your still gonna use my name and be cum guzzler
(221839) STROlD02 its so simple
(221852) Stroid how many people have you scammed using my name
(221904) STROlD02 not many in actuality
(221906) STROlD02 only about 2
(221909) STROlD02 and that was a month ago
(221939) Stroid do u use my name as your email to
(221950) STROlD02 no why?
(221953) Stroid cause someone took that i just assume its u
(222002) STROlD02 oh
(222008) STROlD02 well rest assured, its not me
(222026) Stroid thanks
(222037) Stroid lisarcasmli
(222042) Stroid how old are u
(222049) Stroid let me guess 16
(222056) STROlD02 no
(222058) STROlD02 close though
(222059) STROlD02 sorta
(222132) Stroid your mom wouldnt like it if she knew what you are doing
(222209) STROlD02 My mom passed away when I was 7 years old.
(222215) STROlD02 Don't go saying things if you don't know it.
(222236) Stroid no to sound like an ass but why should i believe anything you say
(222244) Stroid and if your lying thats really fucked up
(222255) STROlD02 I'm not asking you to believe me.
(222259) STROlD02 I'm just saying.
(222312) Stroid right
(222526) Stroid well i suppose there is no reason to talk to you but you can fuck yourself
(222531) Stroid later bitch
19-04-2005 19:35:01
nice stroid, very nice.
ill bet his mommy is still alive.
19-04-2005 19:36:18
saying your mom is dead is just not cool
19-04-2005 19:38:18
That conversation just kinda accents your avatar, doesn't it?
19-04-2005 19:50:33
haha, which is from officespace is it not?
19-04-2005 19:50:38
actually im a extremly nice guy but it absolutly makes me sick that people are dishonest and use their mother dying for sympathy i just dont respect that. also ive talked to this douche bag before
19-04-2005 19:56:41
Yeah that's really low. Sad people stoop that low just to get ref's.
19-04-2005 20:01:55
Yup, it's Office Space. When he's beating the crap out of the copier.
19-04-2005 20:09:20
[quote7873e1924e="drummer_kew_03"]Yup, it's Office Space. When he's beating the crap out of the copier.[/quote7873e1924e]
Yup it sure is D
19-04-2005 20:48:54
(222132) Stroid your mom wouldnt like it if she knew what you are doing
(222209) STROlD02 My mom passed away when I was 7 years old.
(222215) STROlD02 Don't go saying things if you don't know it.
(222236) Stroid no to sound like an ass but why should i believe anything you say
(222244) Stroid and if your lying thats really fucked up[/quote0e96f9f133]
That made me chuckle.