Question about netbux referral link

Live forum:


19-04-2005 18:45:29

My question is, if you go to there policies section, it says that they track the ip so if someone clicks or your ref link then when they come back, they'll remember you clicked on that persons link. So I already clicked someones link, but I think he was a spammer so I don't want to give him a ref lol. So if I click the new link will it then attach my ip to that referral link?


19-04-2005 19:00:55

I aimed you


19-04-2005 19:13:52

yeah, I was being acosted by ref links and I got angry lol, I just wanted some proof that that's what happens and not "maybe, I guess, blah blah blah"


19-04-2005 19:14:39

Still against Google's rules isn't it?


19-04-2005 19:20:39

didn't know it was every agains their rules. do you know why it would be. I thought I should sign up b/c I definitely search google and ebay a lot during the day.