Complete offer BEFORE verify email?...

Live forum:


18-04-2005 17:24:42

My friend signed up for for me and did the Hydroderm offer which is supposed to be instant upon completion. When he signed up for the site, he did the offer BEFORE opening the email sent by Gratis to verify his email address. Would this mess up the process of getting credit? Its been almost 5 days already.


18-04-2005 17:35:32

Shouldn't. I did that with my freeipods account. You just need the account to be confirmed BEFORE you order anything... or at least I think so.


18-04-2005 17:37:52

yep...i have a few referrals that completed offers first before they confirmed...shouldnt run into any problems....


18-04-2005 23:04:20

Email verification has no impact on your account other than it is required to place your order.