Cave Story - new game

Live forum:


18-04-2005 14:41:40

Well, new relatively. Anyway, it's a fun, addictive little freeware game called Doukutsu Monogatari (Cave Story). It's been described as something as a "Metroidvania" game, and for a freeware game there's a lot in it -- it's actually one of the more fun games I've played in awhile. The graphics won't blow you away, but it's good times nonetheless. While ou don't know much (anything) at the beginning of the game, a plot starts developing after you leave the first dungeon.

It was made in Japanese, but there is an English patch. The downloads you need can be found

http// (the first link is the game, the second is optional and plays the game's music -- you'll need a program that is able to decompress lzh files)
http// (English patch)