Netbux is legit, they just paid me

Live forum:


17-04-2005 21:13:23

NetBux has just changed there payout date from the 1st to the 15th, i was lucky enough to just make it over the payout today

so here is my proof

http//[" alt=""/imga48d0a1191]

For those of you who haven't signed up yet here is my link

liedit i forgot i can't post my link, please use the picture in my sig in the post below

I am so hyper right now i cant' believe this

NetBux rocks

For those of you who don't knwo what NetBux is, it's a website that pays you 2 cents per search on google and 2 cents for every search of your refs

Anyone using my ref link will be paid half their earnings by me via paypal

just let me know over aim when you sign up


17-04-2005 21:18:21


fixed sig


17-04-2005 21:34:56

how many refs do u have


18-04-2005 07:29:21

i heard somewhere that they are getting shutdown because it violates the google's terms