"Offer already taken"??????

Live forum: http://forum.freeipodguide.com/viewtopic.php?t=11553


13-04-2005 15:53:51

what the hell does this mean??

I'm trying to complete an offer and it keeps saying that on every single one that i clicked. (ones i haven't done yet by the way)

anyone else ever see this??

I cleared my cookies, history, temp files, everything.....


13-04-2005 16:02:58

depending on the free site you are on, sometimes you can not do multiple offers tiwce (what i mean by that is that if one of your greens have already done it, you cant)


13-04-2005 19:04:46

hmmm.. i dont have any referrals on this site...i just signed up...and i never did any of these offers....thats just weird...i'm trying it from a different computer tomorrow....i guess they dont want my money lol


13-04-2005 19:07:02

the only time ive had a problem with that is if there were in the process of taking down that offer....

i like your avatar as well....i like seeing pics of downtown D


13-04-2005 20:59:37

D yeaaa the fist is my fav. i think....

the spirit of detroit is my second....

the drunk bum on the corner is my third P lol


06-09-2005 08:03:04

just got this on get5friends. Anyone know anything new?


06-09-2005 14:34:09

it means you've already done the offer, plain and simple. metareward tracks users by their email address, and your email address has already completed that offer


06-09-2005 15:08:09

[quoted6f6a38b75="srichter"]it means you've already done the offer, plain and simple. metareward tracks users by their email address, and your email address has already completed that offer[/quoted6f6a38b75]

Poop, I've never done the offer. I entered my email address to see what the T&C were, now when I return to the offer, I don't have the option to proceed.