, what's the word? EDIT: GGMachine question

Live forum:


07-04-2005 00:20:47

Have people gotten there sht from this site, i heard it takes a really long time... i'm very curious

PS. PM me to signup ;--)[/sizedd134f70e1]

2nd Question, Has anyone done the i-deal direct sites? I signed up for greengame machine and completed all teh offers in one night. Within a couple days i was approved on tier 1 and tier 2. But the three offers that had said pending in tier 3 were gone and it said "no offers found' . Anyone?


07-04-2005 15:48:52

I've completed (and received my gifts from) 3 I-Deal Direct sites. Check out (under construction) for a comprehensive list of their sites.


07-04-2005 15:54:13

I did the website when it was up and got an email from them saying I should get it in 6-8 weeks cuz they got my form I printed off and mailed to them. )


07-04-2005 18:36:24

i did that ipod/sounddock site before they took it down and ended up getting just as advertised, both items new at the 8 week mark ) that site was easy, but i think there terms have changed for sites now so read them!

as far as super llc, they are a huge hassle to get manual credits with, also have changed their rules so read them, but always delivered. i got everything from them around week 6, even freesuperstuff and freesupergiftcards after they closed!


07-04-2005 21:54:15

well...just completed and printed the form for my $250 VISA card. Took me a grand total of about six hours for this site. WOOT