whats a good site for game consoles?

Live forum: http://forum.freeipodguide.com/viewtopic.php?t=11013


07-04-2005 00:09:11

hey im wondering if there are any good game console sites. i have the option of doing freegamingsystems but theres no way in hell im going to wait months for my system. and then theres prizecube, who also takes their sweet ass time and lags for a couple months. any others out there? im looking for a ps2 or xbox.


07-04-2005 03:15:48

the psp sites...


07-04-2005 04:50:14

I suppose there's get4friends (for the PS2), but I haven't tried them and I have no idea how good their ship times are. Same with 4freespot.


07-04-2005 07:51:32

Probably, the best thing to do here would be to do a site where you get paypal cash and just buy the system you want.