06-04-2005 17:43:14
If my sister was to do an offer on the computer downstairs (we run off the same router) with a different credit card and email etc. Would that be a problem? Or could everything go over smoothly.
06-04-2005 17:54:25
I have DSL, what if i unhooked her from the router and ran it straight to the modem?
06-04-2005 18:03:40
well you guys still have the same billing address right? so that would not work
06-04-2005 18:05:21
you would still have the same ip address....even thought when you check you ipconfig the numbers are different....they still come from the same line
06-04-2005 18:18:22
Yah, quit asking us how to cheat!!! If you are going to cheat don't ask us for help and get put on hold wink
06-04-2005 18:27:12
Actually its not cheating if my sister wants to do an offer and we live together.
06-04-2005 18:30:25
one account per household. so if you live together and both signs up.. then you're cheating.
06-04-2005 18:51:02
[quote2e9e2331ea="Matt8789"]Actually its not cheating if my sister wants to do an offer and we live together.[/quote2e9e2331ea] dont know much about computers do you? whether you go through that router or not, YOUR IP IS THE SAME...the only reason your pcs may show different IP's is because the router assigns ips within your home network. both pc's access the web though using the same modem'll both have your accounts put on hold dont do it.