What OC offers are most likely to give credit?

Live forum: http://forum.freeipodguide.com/viewtopic.php?t=10852


05-04-2005 12:28:58

On psps4free.com I have completed Travelers Advantage and Starclub Rewards but neither of them have recieved credit after almost 3 weeks. I'm giving up hope on those two.

Today I noticed that I have 5 greens now, so all thats left to do is complete an offer for myself.

Which OC offers have you guys had good experiences with? I would hate to do another one and not recieve credit again. I just need to know which offers are most likely to give credit once completed.



05-04-2005 13:38:31

Did you send them a request for credit? Sometimes it takes a few tries to get credit.

It certainly seems they are not crediting lately. Wonder what the deal is?

My daughter has two offers that are waiting to credit from two OC sites. They were going pretty quick pretty recently.


05-04-2005 15:00:15

yeah i have sent numerous emails to them and they are basically either ignoring them or telling me that i have to wait 10 days, which i did, and if i dont get credit i have to do another offer


05-04-2005 15:31:32

i would keep bugging them if the wait doesn't bother you tremendously. it's pretty odd that they wouldn't credit you for travelers or starclub as those are great offers i've never had problems w/. stick it out as long as you can before doing another offer. good luck.


05-04-2005 15:33:26

They told me both of those offers have had excessive fraudulent leads and they are not giving credit until they recieve word from the affiliate that the offer was actually completed. I doubt i will ever get it.


05-04-2005 15:49:14

I went ahead and did the Corticet offer. It was one of the only ones i had left to choose from. I did a search on the forums for it and it seems like people have had only good things to say about this offer and supposedly it credits fast.

This is offer #3 that ive done on psps so hopefully 3rd times a charm!


05-04-2005 16:01:42

man, three offers? that's crazy. i friggin hate OC because three of my referrals all did their offers over 2 weeks ago and none of them posted credit. OC is taking our money and not giving us credit. Once I get credit to those three referrals i can request approval for my camera and NEVER do another OC site again. they have lost all my trust...


05-04-2005 21:28:36

I did corticet for psps4free on 3/27 and still no green, i've already cancelled it since its only a 10 day trial. guess its time to try another.


06-04-2005 09:36:45

I did a trade here and signed up for notebooks4free. I did petchews 2/24(!) and after waiting and submitting the credit form I did PetCareRx on 3/9. Nothing on either. Have filled out their credit claim form 3 times now.

Also 3 people under me on psps4free signed up and did offers the second week of march and none of them have gone green either.


06-04-2005 10:49:41

Well, I signed up under a friend on PSPs4free.com last night. Having 2 dogs and needing some supplies anyway, I did PetCareRX. Ordered $22 worth of stuff last night, and I received credit this morning. Can't argue with that, and I don't have to worry about cancelling or recurring charges. It's stuff I was going to buy anyway so I still consider it a "freebie."


06-04-2005 12:55:30

I receieve the Corticet credit in less than 24 hrs

FINALLY I'm done with PSPS4FREE!


06-04-2005 13:05:56

I sent an email using the account status form this time. Apologized for using that form for credit inquiry but pointed out its been over a month with no reply and was very polite. Got an answer in less than 2 hrs, just not a good answer

"Unfortunately if you have not received credit chances are you will not. Petchews has had an excessive amount if fraudulant leads sent to them and we will not honor any confirmation emails."

They did not answer though on why i have not gotten credit for PetCareRX from 3/9.


06-04-2005 13:13:17

[quotea33ade3241="CBR600"]i can request approval for my camera and NEVER do another OC site again. they have lost all my trust...[/quotea33ade3241]


OC has completely killed my respect for them.
Cameras4free is the first site I completed with them, and it will undoubtably be the last.

Ive been waiting for miracle burn to credit since 3/25. no response to my inquiries.


06-04-2005 13:47:02

So i replied and asked about my PetCareRX one that has been pending since 3/9....about 45 minutes later i get an email saying my account has been updated.

Im now green.

So after 3 attempts with the credit form nothing, 1 day using the account status form and i got results.