Live forum:


05-04-2005 08:56:55

Hi, I got my 5 referals on applestuff4free and they were getting verified then i was put on hold and they support email guy told me i had over 20 accounts and that was a huge TOS violation. I can honestly say i do not have multiple accounts. I only have 1 account. I told him it was an error and that he should check it again. He told me it was not an error and he double checked it. What should i do . He is ripping me off. How can i have 20 accounts? I only have 1 account. I do not know what to do. Can i report him to the BBB? or something? What should i do?



05-04-2005 12:18:43

One, to clear up any confusion, applestuff4free is not a Coobro site. Just so you or anyone else doesn't have any bad feelings toward the Coobro sites because of that )

Two, are you on a proxy? That's the only thing I can think of that may cause problems. Either that or if you signed up on a public computer, and sometimes there are problems in dorms, too. Otherwise I dunno -- I haven't heard much about that site myself.


05-04-2005 13:36:45

Wrong section