04-04-2005 20:32:03
haven't heard too much of them... got 3 greens, you think i should persue it for two more? it is legit, but i wonder if they're still sending prizes out?
04-04-2005 20:48:46
Seems like a nice site, You got 3 greens already, 2 more and you are done, keep trying
04-04-2005 20:51:20
I have 8 greens, 1 more than required for the sony cybershot. I've been pending approval for about 3 weeks now, if not longer. He's waiting for the searchcactus issue to be resolved and for the checks to be sent to him, I believe, before he sends out gifts.
04-04-2005 21:02:14
meh, thats what i feared... maybe i should stick with OC and Gratis first
04-04-2005 21:29:45
Edited, willing to give it a 2nd chance
04-04-2005 21:40:03
i got 3 greens with them and ive talked to the owner of the site.. he had some affiliate issues but he has sent out gifts before i havent tried to finish it though
04-04-2005 22:31:18
The owner just posted on gear>live.
"I just spoke to a rep from SC and he said that no site will be paid for the leads they got from AOL, NY Times, and Earthlink as the fraud levels were near 100% with those offers, hundreds of users using stolen credit cards and such, and the police is in fact investigating leads from NY Times. The other offers however, are more or less fine, and he said that I will be receiving basically $6,000 out of my earned $12,000 which isn't too bad. So I will have to revoke all of the AOL, NY Times and Earthlink credits immediately. He said that I will receive my check around the 25th of this month. So let's start from will be ordered as soon as the check comes. Ya-hoooooo!"
So I would finish the site if I were you. He also stated that he will be shutting ifreegear down soon, with a 1 month notice. He's planning on creating a network of free sites.
04-04-2005 22:35:11
[quoteb5cd2204ab="melnag26"]The owner just posted on gear>live.
"I just spoke to a rep from SC and he said that no site will be paid for the leads they got from AOL, NY Times, and Earthlink as the fraud levels were near 100% with those offers, hundreds of users using stolen credit cards and such, and the police is in fact investigating leads from NY Times. The other offers however, are more or less fine, and he said that I will be receiving basically $6,000 out of my earned $12,000 which isn't too bad. So I will have to revoke all of the AOL, NY Times and Earthlink credits immediately. He said that I will receive my check around the 25th of this month. So let's start from will be ordered as soon as the check comes. Ya-hoooooo!"
So I would finish the site if I were you. He also stated that he will be shutting ifreegear down soon, with a 1 month notice. He's planning on creating a network of free sites.[/quoteb5cd2204ab]
hundreds of stolen credit cards, yea like anyones going to believe that?
04-04-2005 23:16:27
Well your post made me take back my comment on it being a scam, we will see the end of this month on my pending IPod, cause non of my referrals did those bad offers
05-04-2005 07:20:16
Yeah I don't buy that for a second. Why would hundreds of users use stolen credit cards, but only on those offers?
Regardless, no point in me starting that with it about to go down.