refstop is april fooling ppl..

Live forum:


01-04-2005 11:57:21

i was on refstop today and they have a new thing where they make you copy and paste someones ref link instead or clicking the hyperlink.. they say gratis is trying to cut down on ref trading..
more info here - http//[]http//
then click "link to official press release" lol
i think refstop fell for it because they actually now make you copy and paste refs from gratis in a new window. the admin even admitted to changing refstop in his reply.. check their site.. lol


01-04-2005 12:15:30

People amaze me. Good post. +1


01-04-2005 12:17:43

LoL. How could anyone (especially the refstop admin) take that seriously?!

If you received a 20 gb ipod, and it turns out a few weeks after you get it, they find out one of your referals was committing fraud, they will require you to pay the full amount of the gift you received.


They'd have to take my ass to court!


01-04-2005 12:21:54

whoa it's april fool's day.