Google: OSX

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31-03-2005 15:21:58

haha if this isn't funny. I saw it while browsing the pro-networks forums..

anywho. Google had it up for one day but a lot of people got it and there are a bunch of mirrors, here's one

http// (easier to remember)

good stuff -D


31-03-2005 15:31:20

that loogs very cool... damn google owns! lol


31-03-2005 15:32:27

Does look pretty sweet. I'd do it if it was a chick.


31-03-2005 15:36:00

they took it off because Apple was planning to sue google, haha.. google found out because Apple's lawyers were using Google to search for the info, haha

[quoted8169a977f="Google Blog"] "Today is an amazing day A small idea - a fun late-night coding jaunt to help me learn Javascript & DHTML - has just launched on Google Labs. I never expected it to make it as far as it has when I wrote it a month ago, especially since my "real" job is working on Keyhole, where I'm having the time of my life taking our cool 3D mapping application and putting the power of Google behind it. It's fulfilling to have the opportunity to reach the audience we always dreamed of when we started Keyhole five years ago, and that by itself is absolute coolness.

And now there's Google X, which came about because I wanted a quick fun way to access all of Google's services. I gave it to a few friends in the company, who gave it to their friends, some posted it on their blogs, others sent it around on mailing lists, and it eventually made its way to Marissa Mayer, who liked it enough to say, when do you want to put it up on Labs? So after some spit and polish from some enthusiastic Googlers and the keen eye of the UI team, Google X is here. I hope all of you enjoy it - especially Mac users, who I'm sure will appreciate its lineage." [/quoted8169a977f]

haha. oh well its still cool.


31-03-2005 15:40:30

ya looks kinda koo....i have the apple style menu on my PC...very helpful


31-03-2005 20:02:49

[quote457dd40e3a="jhennson"]ya looks kinda koo....i have the apple style menu on my PC...very helpful[/quote457dd40e3a]

are you talking about the dock? because I found it somewhere, and now i can't find it..