30-03-2005 22:30:36
I want one of the cybershots, because my friend has one and supposedly it has videorecording capabilites. Which one should i get and what is the difference between the two. Also, which has the video recording.
Sony Cybershot DSC-T1 5.1MP or Sony Cybershot DSCM1 5MP
looser loop
31-03-2005 08:02:50
im gonna go with the 5.1 MP one.
31-03-2005 08:28:47
look in the freedigitalcameras thread
31-03-2005 08:35:24
The Cybershot series does have fairly good video capabilities, but as a digital camera they aren't the best. Image quality and recording speed are big problems. I've had two, and while they are more sturdy and sleek than other cameras, their photos aren't as good for the money.
I like this site for reviews (though it seems down at the moment)