MiracleBurn™ Pending as of 3/30/200 *How long for credit?*

Live forum: http://forum.freeipodguide.com/viewtopic.php?t=10209


30-03-2005 14:28:53

Just finished up my final offer on Cameras4Free (FINALLY)

This site took me almost an entire week to do. ?
A lot tougher then I expected. oops

Anyway, my other offer (star club) credited in under 12 hrs. I guess i shouldn't expect the same for this one...is that correct?

Anyone care to share their experiences with wait times for this offer?

Thanks ;)


30-03-2005 14:31:14

Call the friggin Wambulance... ;)


30-03-2005 14:34:07

That joke went right over my head... ?


30-03-2005 14:36:43

Wah... as in quit your damn crying.


30-03-2005 14:38:42

Come over and kiss it and make it better


30-03-2005 14:40:42

mine miracle burn hasn't ever posted in 3 weeks now. no emails or complaints help. first program to not post for me.


30-03-2005 14:41:55

[quote71b0ad2e89="Archon810"]mine miracle burn hasn't ever posted in 3 weeks now. no emails or complaints help. first program to not post for me.[/quote71b0ad2e89]

thats sooo not what I wanted to hear.
This is the only thing I'm waiting on...

Anyone else with a miracle burn experience?


30-03-2005 15:19:32

miracleburn didnt post yet (goin on 8 days) for one of my refs, so hes just gonna do another i guess


30-03-2005 15:47:57

mine is still pending since the 15th of march.. i sent in a email to OC requesting approval.. gave them my confirmation email and everything.


30-03-2005 15:51:34

mother of god. i'm bout to do another one right now just to bypass all the bullshit i'm going to have to deal with in 5 days anyway -/


30-03-2005 16:27:00

Well, i had been pending since the 9th of march... and i had sent in two credit requests to the affiliates.. no luck. I ended up calling to confirm cancellation of feel serenity, and asked about miracleburn/mydailydose while i was on the phone with them since they are all urban nutrition.. she offered to send my e-mail to the appropriate affiliate and voila, mid next day (mid week) i went green...

Dont know if that was a coincidence or not lishrugli

It had been about 3 weeks...


30-03-2005 17:50:21

Forget how long it took me to get MiracleBurn -- don't even remember the site I did it on to be honest (tech4free I guess), but it was a reasonable amount of time. I think it was a few days, maybe up to a week. But I did get the credit. I've done all the Urban Nutrition free trial offers except Serenity, and the only one I didn't get credit on is PetChews.

And that's nice info splattered -- one of my referrals is having problems with Serenity right now.


30-03-2005 21:28:05

I did MiracleBurn on 3/7/05 for ds4free.com and never received credit.


30-03-2005 22:11:53

Sigh. 90% horor stories.

They really should have some sort of "get two extra unique referals if you don't want to do your own offer"


30-03-2005 22:14:09

what is up with your karma wood? Its almost as unstable as the economy! shock


30-03-2005 22:16:07

I did it and had no trouble receiving credit. I have the shit sitting in front of me right now. I don't know what to do with it!!! shock


30-03-2005 22:18:51

Gratis is decent crediting those pill offers, OC sucks at that


30-03-2005 22:27:19

[quote4c5082b086="CoMpFrEaK"]what is up with your karma wood? Its almost as unstable as the economy! shock[/quote4c5082b086]

someone has it out for me

BRING IT ON I SAY! twisted