26-08-2008 11:57:50
I am interested in the free ps3 site from, and i would like to refer some of my friends to join so i will have enough referals.
my question is, most of my friends are in the same neighborhood, of course they are going to do it in their own home, with their own credit card and stuff, does this violate the terms and condition?
Because i saw only one account per househouse and "PER LOCATION". what do they mean by LOCATION? some of us are using the same ISP like verizon DSL in the same area, of course with DIFFERENT IP address. is this considered as a SAME LOCATION?
Please let me know if that is ok or not.
Thanks a lot for your time!
26-08-2008 14:38:30
I'm not speaking for Alan, but in case he doesn't see this for awhile, you should be fine. As long as all contact info is valid and unique (names and mailing addresses), and the IP's are also different, you're good to go. The "location" they're referring to most likely means a facility or institution, like a school, library, or office, that shares a common internet gateway and thus does not have a public IP per user. Different physical households in a neighborhood would never be considered the same location.
26-08-2008 17:32:52
dmorris68, is right, you'll be fine.
Location refers to the same physical location meaning the same house, apartment, dorm room (though other members from the same hall may participate), etc.