24-02-2008 03:55:58
Hello, and thank you for reading this question. I know there can be only one person signed up per household, but what if I signed on to my account from a different computer either to check status, or to acquire my referral link code?
For example, if my friend wants to be my referral, but I do not have my referral link off the bat, and I log on at their house to fetch it, and then eventually he makes his account at that computer, (even though mine was made and used at my house and not his) will that count as multiple accounts at one location? I hope not as I have put a lot of effort into this and have no ill intentions of abuse. Thank you for any replies and time you take on my question.
24-02-2008 08:55:47
Sirrus donot do it cause it will draw a flag and your account will be placed on hold . You never want to log into your account from another computer .