08-01-2008 12:56:57
Hi, I've been out of the freebie game for a while, as seen by my old signature which was from back when Gratis was around, but in general, is it easier to get 900 points or 8 referrals? I'm looking to get the iPhone and just not sure how offers correlate to points. Also, why on, it is 8 refs/1000 points but on its 8 refs/900 points, shouldn't it be the same point value for the same item??
15-01-2008 21:59:23
I was wondering about that too. It wouldn't be such a big deal if the offers were worth more points, but that extra 100 points means you have to do another 2 or 3 offers. I don't think it's worth it.
16-01-2008 04:49:25
in general, is it easier to get 900 points or 8 referrals? I'm looking to get the iPhone and just not sure how offers correlate to points.
It really depends on several things. If you are new enough to not have done most of the offers yet, you will find it easier to get 900 points rather than finding 8 referrals. But if you are going to be doing sites for a while, you will find that the biggest problem with DIY is that you will quickly run out of reasonable offers to complete. If you plan to be around for a while, I would recommend offering to do green for green trades to get the 8 referrals - it will cost you the same number of offers (approx.) but then you will have 8 more sites to work with, and will have established some TR, which will also make trading easier.
Hope this helps.