My friends that I am telling them about this keep saying that its a scam and they dont know how you guys can ship out a ton of these free items and not want any money. I just wanted some clarification before I went through with this. I dont want to have a ton of email spam or nothin. Thanks, Justin.
29-09-2007 18:08:12
This forum wouldn't exist if it weren't for real. Please take a moment to read through the forums and see for yourself. In particular, check the Brag Bag for photo proof, and various site-specific forums if you have questions about specific sites (such as this forum for Transendent Innovations). Once you become familiar with how the incentivized marketing business model works, you will understand how they can afford to ship the gifts.
Also be sure to read and understand the rules here if you intend to hang around and post or trade.
As far as e-mail spam, that is a given. Virtually all offers you sign up for will sell your information, including your e-mail address and phone number. It's part of the process that generates revenue that allows these places to stay in business. It's no big deal -- just do like virtually everyone else and get an e-mail address (or several) to use strictly for your freebie endeavors, so you don't muddy up your primary e-mail account. And ironically enough, many of the better sites (particular new DIY sites) will be found in the resulting spam.
29-09-2007 18:22:36
Whats funny is that in a few months you'll probably have your own freebie site. lol