04-09-2007 18:35:15
Ok first off, I love Trainns network. They are my favorite one and I have received a lot of money from them. The only thing I cannot stand is how slow their sites are. It literally takes me like 3 minutes to log into any of their sites at any time. Not only that but then if I want to view offers, account options, etc...I have to wait another minute for that to load. Don't get me wrong I am not trying to say anything negative about you guys you are still my favorite network, I just think that something should be done about how slow it is. Especially when I have new people that want to complete the site for me and they complain that its going too slow, after I tell them that its one of the best networks out there for new people. First impression is everything and I think if you guys could make it load a little faster it would help out a lot and probably get you even more business. Thank you.
04-09-2007 18:43:33
I'm sorry.
Over the last couple of days, the traffic has nearly doubled so the servers are barely keeping up. More are being added so as they come online, it will alleviate the stress on the sites and make things much quicker and bearable.
04-09-2007 19:24:00
Sounds good, thanks for the quick update Alan.
05-09-2007 12:38:37
Well, they definately seem a lot faster today. Thanks for taking care of that Trainn. Still the best network!
11-09-2007 14:29:42
Yeah, YourFreeiPhone is loading much faster today ). Thanks Alan!
11-09-2007 20:54:25
Every single site loads way faster than in the past. Was and still is the BEST network out there.