Stay away from Grant Search Provider...
21-06-2007 16:04:49
Just a quick post to warn you all to stay away from Grant Search Provider. I signed up on their site, paid the fee, and never received credit. I waited for my product, and after a week and a half I had received nothing so I decided to cancel because it seemed fraudulent. I called the next morning, spoke to someone, and cancelled my account. About a week later, I received over a hundred dollars in charges to my CC, all from Grant Search Provider. Since then I have tried to contact them several times by phone (around 10am, and around 2pm), and each time it either stops ringing about four or so rings, or no one ever answers. They have NO email address to contact them by, and now it is apparently too hard for them to answer my calls. I am about to file a fraudulent charge complaint with my CC company and file a fraudulent company complaint to the FCC.
21-06-2007 21:14:26
FCC has nothing to do with it. FCC = radio / television. Place a chargeback if you need to. I'd keep trying to reach them first though. Try calling at different times.
22-06-2007 01:09:53
I actually had no problems with this offer. It credited right away. I volunteer for an animal rescue so I thought I would see if they had anything we could apply for. Well, no luck there so I did get a hold of them no problem and so far no charges. Good luck!
23-06-2007 18:18:14
lol dont use your CC..Most of those offers are trash anyway..thats why i dont trust any of them using my CC number.. the only offers i see people have legit interst are is BB,stamps,true.. i always said the day they stop accepting gift cards is the day DIY dies.
24-06-2007 21:31:18
damn that sucks.. hopefully they get your money back.
25-06-2007 22:36:40
Well, there is some good news and some bad news. I finally got a hold of them. Unfortunately, there appears to be an error in their system, which is why I never got anything, not even a confirmation email. Apparently this glitch in their system also caused it to charge me 50 bucks even though it clearly says in their system that I cancelled before the trial. But of course, their system shows that they NEVER CHARGED ME, even though they did. Now I have to fax my CC statement when it comes in so that they can see that it was charged to me and they can refund it. Damn them!
26-06-2007 20:58:53
Hmmm, interesting. I just noticed I got charged 10 days after I canceled well within the trial period (found more info on google than their site). Anyway, I called the number on my cc statement and they said they would refund it in 5-7 business days. Still a bunch of crap if you ask me. So, yeah, definitely stay away from this offer or keep everything and watch it closely if you don't keep it.
EDIT I got a refund 5 days after I called for it.
28-06-2007 14:16:03
I got charged $49.95 too.
I called in and then the rep said he would put in a request for a refund.
03-07-2007 22:40:17
I also was gypped from receiving credit for this offer, and didn't receive a confirmation email. I PMed trainn-alan but to no avail. =\
04-07-2007 12:16:38
I think we've gotten enough complaints on this one for it to be removed /
04-07-2007 12:35:12
I did it and everything went A okay.
04-07-2007 14:38:26
They will only remove it if they see it's not crediting. They know how many clicks it gets and then how often those clicks turn into credits. If it was worse than the others then I'm sure they would remove it.
As far as bad customer service, well many offers have bad customer service. If you need to contact them you just need to be persistent.
08-07-2007 15:36:16
Just a little update. I faxed my CC statement to them and they refunded my money. The customer service (once I finally reached them) was actually very helpful. I still have not received credit for the offer.
09-07-2007 22:45:30
ya, this happened to me too recently! i had tried them for a while, but still kept getting the 49.95/mo. chg. after cancellation & they told me it was a problem switching to a new merchant account and that alot of people who had cancelled recently were still getting charged! shock i eventually got my refund but that's just bad biz!
Prints Charming
10-07-2007 13:51:19
Crap.. I just signed up for this two days ago.. lol
10-07-2007 14:27:56
Take out your ref link.
10-07-2007 15:13:42
About to submit manual credit for this offer right now.
11-07-2007 11:19:36
EDIT Well I never recieved credit for this offer, yet I was charged and I also never got an email from them, so there goes my manual credit request! (
11-07-2007 11:40:38
Can't submitt an manual credit request until 7 days after offer completion. I just did it for Overnight Genious.