Anyone else having crediting issues?
25-05-2007 13:41:37
I completed 2 different offers on TRAIN site, but neither is crediting.
Yes I cleared my cookies and all that good stuff. This seems to happen every time I work on TRAIN, but other sites are fine.
Anyone else having a problem?
25-05-2007 13:44:42
What offers are giving you problems?
25-05-2007 15:03:52
I did the Gamefly offer and French Women don't get fat (don't laught I need to lose a few pounds and thought the site might have some different insight)
25-05-2007 15:05:49
I don't laugh at anything that involves "women" and "weight". That's a sure way to get slapped, to say the least. I don't know why the offers haven't credited, though. Gamefly doesn't seem to have problems to my knowledge. But I don't know anything about the other offer.
How long ago did you do the offers?
25-05-2007 15:08:37
Did one offer 2 days ago, the other 1 day. The Gamefly indicated INSTANT, but it has not credited. The other one said within a day.
25-05-2007 15:12:12
Have you gotten confirmation emails from the two offers? It seems these days that the offers that say "instant" are taking longer to credit, and so are other offers in general. However, it can take a few days for offers to credit ... if you have confirmation emails, though, then after 7 days you'll be able to submit for manual credit. Trainn seems good with taking care of them )
Hope that you get the credits you earned for the offers.
25-05-2007 17:10:04
well i had the same problem with trainn, always did offers and never credited. other sites were fine thou
then i switched to firefox D and got an instant green! )
25-05-2007 17:32:05
Thanks to you both! Thought is was my imagination.
I appreciate your input.
27-05-2007 12:09:06
yeah, I am having a lot of problems recieving crdit. I have been waiting 3 weeks for crdit o paypirate, ordergiftsfor free and some others. It is very frustrating, whenyou do all that is required and the ads say instant credit and I am still waiting. I have sent in manual requests and the response or reply from admin is it has been sent and it is out of their hadns. Why is it this way? When they know you have completed the offers. If someone knows what can be done, I sure wish they would tell me. It sounds a little fishy to me.
27-05-2007 13:31:33
[quotebb492ec353="jreese0773"]yeah, I am having a lot of problems recieving crdit. I have been waiting 3 weeks for crdit o paypirate, ordergiftsfor free and some others. It is very frustrating, whenyou do all that is required and the ads say instant credit and I am still waiting. I have sent in manual requests and the response or reply from admin is it has been sent and it is out of their hadns. Why is it this way? When they know you have completed the offers. If someone knows what can be done, I sure wish they would tell me. It sounds a little fishy to me.
JOhn[/quotebb492ec353]Speaking as support personnel, I can tell you that crediting is not within the sites power. We get paid by our affiliates to send referrals their way (in the form of users completing offers), and when a user completes the offer, the affiliates credit us and we get paid. However, if you don't get credit for an offer, it isn't because we are scamming you or denying you the credit. When we get your manual credit, we send it off to the affiliates so they can evaluate the legality of your claim, and at their sole discretion, they can either grant or deny the credit.
Please don't be mistaken, however, into thinking that the sites are the people granting or denying your credit. We work hard for the users, but there are a few things that our out of our hands.
27-05-2007 14:56:02
I would like to say, I appreciate your comment. But the reality is that does not change the gact we do the offer and pay our price for that offer and have to wait. When it say instant and it is not. So you explain that. We do all the work and put the money in, and nothing happens on their part is a great concern to me. It seems they are making money off of us.
27-05-2007 15:13:29
[quote3e238ec079="jreese0773"]I would like to say, I appreciate your comment. But the reality is that does not change the gact we do the offer and pay our price for that offer and have to wait. When it say instant and it is not. So you explain that. We do all the work and put the money in, and nothing happens on their part is a great concern to me. It seems they are making money off of us.[/quote3e238ec079]Again, it is not up to us as to when an offer will credit. The affiliates control that aspect, and they give us an estimate as to when an offer will credit. I know that there are instant offers that don't credit instantly, but most offers will credit within 7 days. I personally have done offers on sites and never received credit, so I know how frustrating it is. But there have also been times that I've waited a few extra days, and then I got the credit. So many users think that if they don't get credit or are denied credit, then it must be the site's fault, but we don't have the power to grant or deny credit. Just like other aspects of life, sometimes things go wrong, and they take a little longer to fix, but most times, they will get fixed.
27-05-2007 17:11:41
I got instant credit on Trainn for Hydroderm but I am still waiting on Gamefly too. I did get an instant confirmation from Gamefly in my email of course. That was last week sometime.... Good luck!
28-05-2007 05:44:26
[bd586fa50f2]If the ad says INSTANT, I believe it should be instant credit. if there is a problem with the ad not giveing instant credit, someone needs to fix that problem, or, change the ad from saying instant to varies, something other than instant, that is misleading and not very fair. I have been waiting on credit for most of the instant ad's There have been very few that have credited instantly. If it is out of your hands, do we contact the company who placed the ad to tell them it is not giving credit instantly[/bd586fa50f2]
28-05-2007 06:22:22
[quote6b3dde0fbc="jreese0773"][b6b3dde0fbc]If the ad says INSTANT, I believe it should be instant credit. if there is a problem with the ad not giveing instant credit, someone needs to fix that problem, or, change the ad from saying instant to varies, something other than instant, that is misleading and not very fair. I have been waiting on credit for most of the instant ad's There have been very few that have credited instantly. If it is out of your hands, do we contact the company who placed the ad to tell them it is not giving credit instantly[/b6b3dde0fbc][/quote6b3dde0fbc]
You're not going to get very far demanding things from free sites. Chill the frick out. TRAINN especially is good at giving out manual credits; you just need to be patient.
Also, the reason you don't get instant credits is very likely on your end, not the free sites or their advertisers. Most people who have problems crediting need to adjust their settings as far as cookies, pop-up blockers, and other general security issues. Most offers I have ever done that say instant usually credit within a day, and I'm can't complain about that )
28-05-2007 14:18:04
When an offer says instant, that's the average time. Generally if everything is done correctly, they will credit instantly (which, unlike the definition, usually means with 24 hours, if not minutes). It doesn't help your case get fixed if you get mad at the sites, since they don't do the crediting. We do our best to work for you in order to make sure everything credits, but at the end of the day, the affiliates decide to grant or deny credit. Remember, we only get paid if you are credited, too.