20-03-2007 21:04:16
hey I ordered a payapl over the weekend and was expecting to have it ship on tuesday (today). I havent been into these sites for about a year but when I used to do trainn sites I think they shipped tuesday/friday. Is that still how it works?
20-03-2007 22:45:21
They actually ship on Wednesdays and Saturdays now.
21-03-2007 01:01:39
The Paypal payment schedule is still the same as it was when we first introduced it in July of 2005. Paypal payments are issued each and every Late Tuesday night/Early Wednesday morning and Late Friday Night/Early Saturday morning.
21-03-2007 08:52:26
yep, I saw that I was paid when I got up this morning
Thanks Trainn, quick and great as always!