21-02-2007 18:03:06
Woot i was a major skeptic at first this is the first site ive done and i thought there was no way they can give away such high priced things for simply referring people but i placed my order Feb 16 and it arrived today (actually yesterday but i wasnt home) .. the ipods brand spankin new and works great thanks alot!
21-02-2007 18:08:43
If you haven't already, you should post this in the Brag-Bag (with pics if possible). And congrats on getting your first prize! )
21-02-2007 23:13:38
Congratz! I'm waiting for my first prize, it's $250 from trainn. I submitted my account for approval 2 days ago!
23-02-2007 12:15:10
Congratz ) I remember being ecstatic when I first got my $250 paypal from Trainn; I couldn't believe the site actually works.