Login problems

Live forum: http://forum.freeipodguide.com/viewtopic.php?t=53401

Captain All That

07-02-2007 21:50:33

I paid a friend to do the Nintendo Wii site for me... When she signed up though it kept taking her back to the login screen and her password wouldn't work. She used the automated reset feature and still can't get pass the login page.

Has anyone ever experienced that problem. I'm not really sure what she's talking about. I can log into my account just fine.



07-02-2007 23:33:27

Please recommend they contact us and we can take a look at it.

Captain All That

08-02-2007 10:33:34

They've contacted support on the 5th I think and hadn't heard anything. It's only been a couple of days though. I just thought it was weird. I'll have her send another message.

Captain All That

14-02-2007 03:41:40

Just an update

I got an email from my friend yesterday and she was able to complete her offer. I checked my account and sure enough... I had another green. Thanks Trainn Support for helping out. You guys rock!

Now... to find.. more referrals.