Wii Order
17-11-2006 10:05:40
Anyone know anything about the Wii and when they are going to ship them? Or if they think there's going to be a long wait? They've been evasive regarding this subject, so I wanted to know if anyone had gotten any solid info?
THe people with the PS3 have known for a few days whether or not they're getting one, so I'm not sure why they're behind on the Wii side.
17-11-2006 11:11:08
I'm curious as well .... I'm waiting on a Wii Platinum Bundle from them.
17-11-2006 12:05:43
i was just coming here to post the same thing, i figure the system will be out in less then 2 days it would be nice to know if there was any chance of getting one in the first batch. hopefully someone knows something.
18-11-2006 10:24:24
I was hoping we might know yesterday since the PS3 people got to know 2 days before launch... (
I'm waiting on a platinum bundle as well.
18-11-2006 13:13:31
I do not expect much of a delay at all. In the initial shipment (which will occur sometime this upcoming week), all sytem orders up to October 5th will be filled and the rest should be within 2-3 weeks of that.
18-11-2006 14:21:42
I ordered on October 1. Just checked and I am processing! dance
TraInn is god. bow
18-11-2006 17:13:48
Does processing mean the Wii is gonna ship on launch (like 7 hours away for me). Just wondering because im in processing too! D
unknown uchiha
18-11-2006 18:15:35
18-11-2006 22:11:25
That stinks, guess I was a little too late to get in on the first shipment.
unknown uchiha
18-11-2006 23:17:57
I've made a revelation and retract my previous statement
19-11-2006 01:43:32
Processing means your in the initial shipment. If your on Processing, then on the week of launch you should go shipped. If your Pre-Ordered/Waiting for Item, then you didn't make it. )
19-11-2006 05:44:17
My order was on Oct. 30th, and my status is Recieved. So, i'm in the early stages?
19-11-2006 09:38:46
[quote747a19dd46="mpbollywoodking"]My order was on Oct. 30th, and my status is Recieved. So, i'm in the early stages?[/quote747a19dd46]
I ordered on the 30th and am still received as well.
19-11-2006 09:48:35
I placed my order on September 20, so hopefully I'll be seeing it soon. I ordered the platinum bundle, and I just realized that I haven't specified any games. What games is everyone else getting? I'll just be selling mine on ebay anyway, but I have to pick something.
19-11-2006 15:12:56
where am I at in the shipments if it says "Received"? First or Second Batch?
19-11-2006 18:06:36
Since the price of the Wii in both Canada and the United States is the same (after currency exchange) will you also offer the Wii for the standard 5 referrals shipped to Canada from like BestBuy.ca as you did with the iPod videos?
19-11-2006 18:47:45
My order was in on the 5th, does that meen I was a day late..? or did I just make the deadline.
I'm sorry my english isn't so hot wink
19-11-2006 20:47:57
I will clarify. If you ordered before October 5, then you will be in the first shipment. If it is in processing, then your in. If your on received, then you aren't in the first shipment.
20-11-2006 08:39:57
[quote40122d1bc4="JPeeper"]I will clarify. If you ordered before October 5, then you will be in the first shipment. If it is in processing, then your in. If your on received, then you aren't in the first shipment.[/quote40122d1bc4]
DAMN!!! OCT. 13th was order date for me!!! @
20-11-2006 10:37:14
[quotef631b749d8="TigerShark"][quotef631b749d8="JPeeper"]I will clarify. If you ordered before October 5, then you will be in the first shipment. If it is in processing, then your in. If your on received, then you aren't in the first shipment.[/quotef631b749d8]
DAMN!!! OCT. 13th was order date for me!!! @[/quotef631b749d8]
24th for me ... Train told me 2-3 weeks in a support ticket (got that reply today) .... not bad .. ;)
20-11-2006 17:59:32
I'm one day late for the first shippment I think I'll die now.
20-11-2006 19:16:56
Does anyone say shipped/shipping soon yet? Im still in processing.
20-11-2006 21:57:44
I would tell you, but I can't login.
20-11-2006 22:12:16
Me neither.
20-11-2006 22:22:19
Im in Processing.
20-11-2006 23:23:30
I finally accessed it and ......... im still in Processing. When are these things gonna ship out? Geesh!
21-11-2006 11:13:04
i ordered mine on the 31st looks like i will have to be patient for another 2-3 weeks, im just hoping i get mine before xmas!
07-12-2006 21:16:34
i'm still in Recieved mode (
07-12-2006 21:46:03
Im received too. evil ....but I just ordered today. roll
07-12-2006 22:18:12
Yeah... unless Amazon(or whoever they order from) gets some big shipments soon, I doubt those of us who ordered after mid-October will see a Wii for at least a few more weeks..
07-12-2006 22:38:00
when is amazon getting more wii's?
09-12-2006 09:08:56
They were supposed to send these 2-3 weeks after launch. Blah. At this point, I'd prefer cash.
10-12-2006 19:55:46
without canceling the order, am i able to send a ticket requesting a change in the games?
10-12-2006 22:13:53
[quote6f07feeb7d="mpbollywoodking"]without canceling the order, am i able to send a ticket requesting a change in the games?[/quote6f07feeb7d]
I want to know too. ?
13-12-2006 03:15:26
Stores have been getting shipments of Wii's in groups. The last I heard was that a pretty big shipment was coming this week for the weekend shopping. I think Nintendo has this right. They trickle them in for the hype then BAM right before christmas they put out a bunch for everyone to snatch up. (just my thoughts)
17-12-2006 05:26:21
Ya, i just checked the Best Buy brochure, and they are getting 15 Wii's??!!???????????!?!?? That is such a small amount.
Any new news Trainn?
What comes after "Recieved", because i've been in that status since Oct. 30th (
17-12-2006 06:11:31
My brother just went out early this morning to get a wii and he went to Target, BB, Toys R Us and Circuity City and they were all sold out. Now I'll just wait till after a while to get a wii.
28-12-2006 07:40:27
Anyone know or heard any rumors as to when the next shipment of Wii's will be arriving?
28-12-2006 07:56:28
I'm surprised there are such a shortage of wii's for freebie sites still. I called gamestop about a week or two ago and the guy said they had 50 wii units the day before.
28-12-2006 21:33:09
Any update from Trainn?
29-12-2006 10:05:32
[quotee3e8b5cb59="kidd2108"]Any update from Trainn?[/quotee3e8b5cb59]
I wish there was...
You know, now that I think about it...doing free sites have really improved my overall patience.
01-01-2007 12:46:48
I still need one more ref to go green so I could order a Wii from Trainn, anyone know if someone has actually received a console yet?
01-01-2007 16:13:06
I think someone said something about it on the brag bag. He completed it really early tho, and he must've been on the first and only shipment list.
02-01-2007 17:49:48
Trainn-Allan, Whats the update with wiis? ?
02-01-2007 19:33:01
How are the wii orders in Canada? Where you up to Trainn =D???