4gb nano and 30 gb video received!

Live forum: http://forum.freeipodguide.com/viewtopic.php?t=40788


07-06-2006 09:23:47

Alright! woot This past monday, I got a 4gb Nano from flashipods4free and a 30gb video ipod from YFVI (both black). My friends were staring to get on me, about how this whole "free ipod" thing is just a scam. Well I was the guinea pig and now they're all starting TraInn sites too! If anyone has reservations about doing a Trainn site, take it from me...you'll get you stuff....and fast (unlike freepay)

My timeline for both sites

requested approval-5/21

requested approval-5/21

BTW if any one could walk me through uploading and posting pics (you know, for proof) that would be a ton of help


07-06-2006 12:21:14

Yeah the problem with friends being convinced is that it takes till AFTER you get all your refs! Hopefully once my flashipods order arrives they will be willing to sign up and help me finish yfvi...


07-06-2006 17:55:15

[quoteae51fe3d55="JennyWren"]Yeah the problem with friends being convinced is that it takes till AFTER you get all your refs! Hopefully once my flashipods order arrives they will be willing to sign up and help me finish yfvi...[/quoteae51fe3d55]

Yeah unfortunatly you're rite. I got my family for my refferals. They were much easyer to convince.


07-06-2006 18:05:07

Egads, my family would probably disown me if they knew I had signed up for something on (cue scary music) [i5639a1ebc9]THE INTERNET[/i5639a1ebc9] - BUM BUM Baaaaah.


Thank the gods for trading forums.


07-06-2006 18:08:56

[quote0540ab7d38="JennyWren"]Egads, my family would probably disown me if they knew I had signed up for something on (cue scary music) [i0540ab7d38]THE INTERNET[/i0540ab7d38] - BUM BUM Baaaaah.


Thank the gods for trading forums.[/quote0540ab7d38]

Whats wrong with useing the internet?


08-06-2006 16:54:30

[quote921b602427="restricted22"]Alright! woot This past monday, I got a 4gb Nano from flashipods4free and a 30gb video iPod from YFVI (both black). My friends were staring to get on me, about how this whole "free iPod" thing is just a scam. Well I was the guinea pig and now they're all starting TraInn sites too! If anyone has reservations about doing a Trainn site, take it from me...you'll get you stuff....and fast (unlike freepay)

My timeline for both sites

requested approval-5/21

requested approval-5/21

congratz, how long did i take you to go from recieved to shipping soon?


08-06-2006 20:29:20

^^^^Dont know, one day it was recieved and when I checked it the next day it was shipped. I read somewhere that Alan (trainn rep) said the change from recieved to shipping soon to shipped could be all in one hour. Thats probably why I never saw "shipping soon" on my status page.


08-06-2006 21:33:50

pretty awesome that was fast!


08-06-2006 22:52:43

My parents are scared of the internet, they think it's going to steal all your personal info by reading your mind, or something.


09-06-2006 00:54:54

[quotea57037cf41="JennyWren"]My parents are scared of the internet, they think it's going to steal all your personal info by reading your mind, or something.[/quotea57037cf41]

Are you my sister? D


16-06-2006 07:49:16

Congrats, how did u get ur referrals? I went thru the hardest time on freepay too...got nada. Now I am 0/5 for both trainn ipod sites.

Btw, thanks for the encouragement. )


16-06-2006 16:57:44

[quotead111c8183="sheikhana107"]Congrats, how did u get ur referrals? I went thru the hardest time on freepay too...got nada. Now I am 0/5 for both trainn iPod sites.

Btw, thanks for the encouragement. )[/quotead111c8183]

I got my family to do offers. If you dont have family then its gonna be tough to convince your friends


18-06-2006 13:54:07

i got all my refs for yfvi from this forum but im still in approval (for the second time)